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Future Job Classes

23.10 and later

Use the Future Job Classes page to add, edit, and delete job classes effective on a future date, such as the next fiscal or school year. When they are posted, this information will update the Job Class table. You can modify or delete the records at any time before you post them.

  1. From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Future Changes menu, select Manual Entry* Future Job Classes.

  2. Enter the search criteria to find the required job class records, then select Search.

    • To add a record, select Add new. Refer to the Future Job Classes table, enter or select the required information, and select Accept. For information about the TX-specific field, refer to Field description.

    • To edit a record, select a record, and select Accept. Update the information and select Accept.

    • To delete, select Delete, then Yes.

You cannot delete a future job class if the pay rate exists.

Field description

The following table describes the TX-specific field on the Future Job Classes page.

For information about other fields on the Future Job Classes page, refer to Future Job Classes table.




Indicates whether the future job class is subject to accrual. If this option is not selected, the salary will continue to be expensed as it is paid.

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