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Federal Grant/TRS Care Codes

Use the TX Team Report - Federal Grant/TRS Care Codes page to set up private or non-private grants and link them to appropriate funds. Do not include child nutrition funds if the Child Nutrition Federal Fund Base will be entered on the Load TEAM Records page. This results in incorrect fund amounts. Only one entry is required. 

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select State. From the State menu, select TX TEAM Report. From the TEAM Setup and Crosswalks menu, select Federal Grant/TRS Care Codes.

Maintain Data

  1. On the TX Team Report - Federal Grant/TRS Care Codes page, specify Search Criteria and click Search.

  2. To add a record, click Add new. Refer to Field Descriptions, fill out the information and click Accept.

  3. To edit, double-click the record. Update the information and click Accept

  4. To delete a record, select the record and click Delete.

Field Descriptions



Grant Number

The number identifying the grant.


Grant Type

The type of grant.

Valid values:

  • Private

  • Not Private


The description of the grant.


Fund 1 - 12

Funds that benefit from the grant.

You can enter up to twelve separate funds per grant number. You must set up at least one fund for each grant.

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