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Account Translations

Use the Account Translations page to assign district-defined key organizations and accounts to PEIMS funds, functions, objects, organizations, programs, and years. It also allows users to load translations, update multiple records simultaneously, and generate account translation reports.

Refer to the Budget Preparation and Fund Accounting sections for information on Organization Charts. 

Menu path

From the main navigation menu, select PEIMS, then All. From the Other menu, select Account Translations.

Selection rule

The report includes all account translations for the selected year.

Maintain data

You can correct loaded data before generating the report. 

  • On the Account Translations page, specify Search Criteria and click Search.

    • To add a record, click Add new. Refer to Field descriptions, fill out the information, and click Accept.

    • To edit, double-click the record. Update the information and click Accept

    • To delete a record, select the record and click Delete. Click Yes.

Field descriptions

The following table describes the fields in the Account Translations page's Account Information section.




The year corresponding to the transaction table.

This field is display-only and cannot be updated after saving the record.

District Key Orgn

The key organization used by the district.

This field is display-only and cannot be updated after saving the record.

District Key Orgn Title

The title of the key organization used by the district.

District Account

The account used by the district.

This field is display-only and cannot be updated after saving the record.

District Account Title

The title of the account used by the district.

State Fund

The state fund.

State Function

The state function.

State Object

The state object.

State Organization

The state organization code.

State Program

The state program.

The drop-down list values are retrieved from the PEIMS Programs Table page.

State Year

The state year.

Mass Change

Use the Account Translations - Mass Change page to update PEIMS account translations in bulk based on the selection criteria and replacement values entered.

  1. On the Account Translations page, select Mass Change.

  2. Select the Year.

  3. In the Selection Criteria section, enter the data for the fields you want to update.

    Leave the selection criteria blank to update all translations.

  4. In the Replacement Values section, enter the new values you want to bulk update. 

  5. Click Accept, then Yes.

Load data

  1. On the Account Translations page, select Load Translation

  2. Select the Ledger Year to Load. This is the year for which to build the translation table.

  3. Select the Level of Function, Level of Organization, Level of Program, and Level of Year.

    In the Level of Year field, select F if the year is the fund's fourth digit. For information on how Fund Accounting settings map to these Load Criteria, refer to Load data - Example.

  4. Enter the Fund Balance Accounts.

  5. Click Accept.

Load data - Example

The following image shows the settings on the Titles tab of the Fund Accounting profile.

Fund Accounting Profile - Titles tab

The following image shows the corresponding Load Criteria to enter on the Account Translations - Load Translation page based on the settings on the Titles tab of the Fund Accounting profile.

Account Translations - Load Translation page

Create file

  1. On the Account Translations page, select Report.

  2. Select the Year and click Accept.

  3. Select the Destination for the report:

    • Select File to save the report in .rpt format. In the File Name field, specify a path and file name.

    • Select Screen to save the report in .pdf format.

    • Select Excel to save the report in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.

  4. Save the file.

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