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PA Support Personnel Report

The PA Support Personnel Report is used to create reports used as references to report data to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The report contains information related to personnel employed by Pennsylvania’s public local education agencies. 

Menu Path

Select Human Resources from the main navigation menu, then select State. Select PA Support Personnel Report.  

Selection Rule

Support personnel matching the following criteria are selected and reported:


Before generating the PA Support Personnel Report:

Create File

  1. On the PA Support Personnel Report page, select the Status Codes and select Accept.

  2. Select the Destination for the report:

    • Select File to save the report in .rpt format. 

    • Select Screen to save the report in .pdf format.

    • Select Excel to save the report in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.

  3. Select OK.

  4. Save the file and navigate to the folder containing the report file. 

  5. Inspect the file. Update data if needed. 

  6. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

Follow the state's submission procedures.

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