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Set up Eugene city tax

Perform the following procedures to set up Eugene city tax:

  1. Set up the Eugene city tax deduction

  2. Create and populate the ET user-defined table

  3. Assign the deductions to employees

Set up the Eugene city tax deduction

Set up a deduction code for Eugene city tax.

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources

  2. Select Reference Tables, then select Deductions

  3. Click Add new.

  4. In the Deduction Code field, enter EUGT.

  5. In the Title field, enter Eugene City Tax.

  6. In the Check Title field, enter EUGT.

  7. In the Frequency field, enter M. 

  8. Verify that the option to Maintain Arrears is not selected.

  9. From the Method drop-down list, select C - Crossover.

  10. From the Subjective Gross drop-down list, select FI - FICA Tax Gross.

  11. Select the Employee tab and select a Withholding Account.

  12. Enter values in the following fields:

    • Maximum Gross

    • Crossover Middle Rate

    • Crossover Middle Maximum

    • Crossover High Rate

  13. From the Maximum Method drop-down list, select I - Inception to Date.

  14. From the Cafeteria Plan drop-down list, select N - Deduction is not part of the cafeteria plan.

  15. Select the Employer tab. 

  16. From the Benefit Method drop-down list, select N - None.

  17. Select Accept.

Create and populate the ET user-defined table

For more information, refer to Create and populate the ET user-defined table.

Assign the deduction to employees

Next, you must assign the deduction to eligible employees for the Eugene safety tax deduction.

Refer to the Employee Deductions page and set up employee deduction records.

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