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Human Resources Profile – State

Before generating the reports, enter valid information on the Human Resources Profile - State page.

  1. On the start page, select System Administration.

  2. Select Administration, and then from Profiles, select Human Resources Profile.

  3. Select State Window.

  4. Refer to the Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields.

  5. Select Accept.

Field Descriptions



Employer PERS Number

The employer's four-digit PERS number.

Employer Institution ID

ODE Institution Identification number for the institution employing the staff member. If multiple institutions employ a staff member, this field indicates the last employer to update the record.

Sick Leave Code

The Sick Leave code to determine unused sick leave for PERS.

UI Tax Rate

The Unemployment Insurance tax rate.

PERS Pickup User Defined Table

The two-character user-defined table code.

PERS pickup eligible deduction codes are retrieved from the user-defined table for PERS Pickup to determine if an employee has PERS pickup.

UI deduction code

The Unemployment Insurance deduction code. 

Trimet District Employee Types

The employee types for Trimet districts.

Lane District Employee Types

The employee types for Lane districts.

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