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Update EMIS Position Salary

Use the Update EMIS Position Salaries page to update unterminated employee EMIS positions with pay amount/rate and scheduled days information retrieved from the active pay rates. The process updates the following fields on the EMIS Position Information page:

  • Scheduled Work Days

  • Contract Pay Amount/Rate

To update a single employee’s salary, use the Recalculate Salaries option on the EMIS Position Information page.


EMIS positions for current employees must be associated with an EMIS position code and a local job class matching the job class on an employee’s active pay rates.

For multiple positions or pay rates, the local job class for each EMIS position must be unique and the same as the job class on the matching pay rate (for example, for coaching positions). You must set up the required job classes on the Job Classes page. Use the EMIS Class Codes page to crosswalk local job classes to EMIS classes.

For example, a coach may have three pay rates with job classes 801, 801A, and 801B. The EMIS position records have EMIS position 801, and the local job classes on the EMIS position records are 801, 801A, and 801B. Local job classes 801, 801A, and 801B must be set up on the EMIS Class Codes page and crosswalked to EMIS position 801.

Update EMIS Position records

  1. From the EMIS menu, select EMIS Update Position Salaries.

  2. Select the Employee Number. Leave this field blank to update all employees.

  3. Select the EMIS Position. Leave this field blank to update all positions.

  4. Select the Position Type. Leave this field blank to update all position types.

  5. Select the Bargaining Unit. Leave this field blank to update all bargaining units.

  6. Select PDF or Excel.

  7. Select Create and then select Yes.

  8. Save the file and select OK.

  9. Navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  10. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  11. Repeat these steps until all the required data is updated.

The default file names are:

  • PDF: EMIS Update Position Salaries Report_<MMDDYYYY>_<hhmmss>.pdf

  • Excel: EMIS Update Position Salaries Report_<MMDDYYYY>_<hhmmss>.csv

Update and calculation logic

The Scheduled Work Days field is updated with the Days Worked field value of the matching pay rate.

The following table explains how the Contract Pay Amount/Rate field value is recalculated for the various pay methods.

Pay Method

Contracted Pay Amount/Rate Recalculation Formula

  • D - Daily

  • P - Pay Period

  • R - Range/Step Pay

  • H - Hourly

  • S - Range/Step Rate

The Pay Rate field value on the Pay Rate Information page is used.

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