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State Required

Before generating the reports, enter valid information on the Ohio State Reports page.

Enter Information for Regular Employees

On the Employee Information page, the Pending Status for a regular employee is blank.

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processingthen from the Employee menu, select Employee Information.

  3. Enter the search criteria, then select SearchAlternatively, you can select Exclude Pending Employees, then select Search.

  4. Select the relevant employee record, then select Accept

  5. Select Payroll Information, then select State Required.

  6. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information. 

  7. Select Accept.

Enter Information for Pending Employees

Pending employees require additional information to complete the employee record. On the Employee Information page, the Pending Status on the record displays Add Pending.

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processingthen from the Employee menu, select Employee Information.

  3. Enter the search criteria, then select Search. Alternatively, you can select Only List Pending Employees, then select Search.

  4. Select the relevant employee record, then select Accept

  5. Select OH State Required. 

  6. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information.

  7. Select Finish.

  8. On the navigation bar, select Finish.

  9. Select OK.

Field Descriptions




The SERS days paid month to date.

This field is automatically updated. 

SERS Days Curr

The SERS days paid in the current payroll. Used in eSERS Contribution reporting if the employee has one of the SERS employee share retirement deductions listed on the Human Resources Profile - State page.

During a payroll setup and employee time entry, if the employee requires a timecard, this field is populated during the time card import. If the employee does not require a timecard, this field defaults to the default days for employees and job class from the pay run.

This field is automatically updated. 

Weeks Paid Tot

The total number of weeks for the quarter.

This field is automatically updated. 

Weeks Paid Cur

The weeks paid in the current payroll.

This field is automatically updated. 

Member Type

The member type for STRS report.

Enter R if the employee is a rehired retiree. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

No Medicare 

Indicates if Medicare is exempt from local tax.

Valid values:

  • Y - Included

  • N - Not included

For employees who have local work taxes and are subject to Medicare wages but do not owe Medicare taxes, enter Y.

Default Weeks

The default credit weeks.

Worksite Code

The employee worksite code.

Mult Worksite

If the employee is attached to multiple worksites, enter the code for multiple worksites.

New Hire Rpt

Automatically updated flag to indicate a new hire.

STRS Days Curr

The current STRS days paid.

Used in STRS Annual Member Contribution reporting if the employee has one of the STRS employee share retirement deductions listed on the Human Resources Profile - State page.

  • During a payroll setup and employee time entry, if the employee requires a timecard, this field is populated during the time card import. If the employee does not require a timecard, this field defaults to the default days for employees and job class from the pay run.

  • This field is zeroed out during payroll calculation after being accumulated into STRS Days FTD.

This field is automatically updated. 


The STRS days paid fiscal to date (FTD).

Accumulated from STRS Days Curr during the payroll calculation. Used in STRS Annual reporting if the employee has one of the STRS employee share retirement deductions listed on the Human Resources Profile - State page. The employee's number of work days should not come from the primary pay rate, similar to that of certified substitutes or coaches.

This field is automatically updated. 

SERS Hours/Day

The SERS hours or days to be used as an override.

Qtrwage Rpt

Indicates if the employee is included in the Quarterly Wage report.

Valid values:

  • Y - Included

  • N - Not included

SERS Xtra Hrs

The SERS extra hours paid.

SERS Emp Stat

The SERS employee status.

SERS Emp Date

The SERS employee status date.

EMIS Term Code

The term code for summer separation override.

This override is used only for the summer separations load process. You must enter termination codes in Employee EMIS Position records. This is required for the summer separation, but do not use it for the regular year.

EMIS Term Date

The term date for summer separation override.

This override is used only for the summer separation load process. You must enter termination codes in Employee EMIS Position records. This is required for the summer separation, but do not use it for the regular year.

Rpt to EMIS

Indicates if the employee is included in the EMIS report.

Enter Y to load an employee record into the EMIS Staff Report module for EMIS reporting.

Valid values:

  • Y - Included

  • N - Not included

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