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Defined Page 2100 - MOSIS Information

Before generating the MOSIS report, enter valid information on the Missouri Student Information System (MOSIS) Information page.

Enter MOSIS Information

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources

  2. Select Entry & Processing, and then from the Employee menu, select Employee Information.  

  3. Enter the search criteria, select Exclude Pending Employees, and then select Search.

  4. Select the employee record, and then select Accept

  5. Select Personnel Information, and then select Defined Windows

  6. Select 2100, and then select Accept.

  7. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information. 

  8. On the navigation bar, select Accept.

Field Descriptions



Core Data

Indicates whether to include the employee in MOSIS reporting.

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N

Leave the field blank to imply N.

Extnd Cont Day

The number of extra days the employee worked beyond the regular contract.

Extnd Cont Sal

The amount of extra salary the employee earned for working beyond nine months.

Min Sal Suppl

The annualized state-paid supplemental amount to equalize the employee's salary to the state minimum.

Ladder Stage

The employee's Career Ladder stage.

Valid values:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

Fiscal Agent

The code identifying the district paying the employee’s salary.

Min Sal Days

The total number of contract days the employee worked during the regular term while receiving a minimum salary supplement.

Extra Duty Sal

The salary amount for all activities that generated additional pay beyond the regular term salary except for extended contract salary and the minimum salary supplements.

OVRD Ladder

Indicates whether to override the employee’s MOSIS Career Ladder stage and use the value in the Ladder Stage field. The override prevents the MOSIS report from recalculating the employee’s MOSIS Career Ladder stage.

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N

Leave the field blank to imply N.

Late Hire Date

The employee’s hire date.

The date in this field overrides the calendar start date.

Early Term Dte

The employee’s termination date.

The date in this field overrides the employee’s termination date.

Educ Comment 1

Educational comments.

Educ Comment 2

Educational comments.

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