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DTL4 Record

DTL4 records are created for defined contribution deductions. Hybrid Defined Contribution deductions are identified during the deduction processing. The Hybrid Defined Contribution deductions are reported separately from the normal retirement and healthcare fund contribution deductions.

The DTL4 record data is loaded into the miorsdtl4 table. 

The following table lists the DTL4 record's field names, table fields, and the data source.

Field Name

Table field

Data source

Employee ID


Key link to the miorsdtl1 table (DTL1 record data).

Start date


User input during the data load process

End  date


User input during the data load process

DC Record Type/Wage Code


Valid values:

  • 01 - Original DC record

  • 06 - Negative DC Adjustment, if the gross is negative

  • 05 - Positive DC Adjustment, needs to be manually maintained    

Gross Wages


The retirement deduction gross from check history

Member Contribution


Employee’s contribution of the retirement deduction (check history deduction amount)

Member Percentage


The percentage for the employee’s defined contribution (deduct.ded_amt or dedtable.rate for the hybrid defined contribution deduction)

Employer Contribution


Employer’s contribution of the retirement deduction (check history deduction fringe benefit amount)

Employer Percentage


The percentage for the employer’s portion of the defined contribution (deduct.cont_amt or dedtable.frng_rate for the hybrid defined contribution deduction)

Status Code


Status Code from the Michigan Retirement page (empuser.tcode7 where page_no = “32000”).  

If the empuser.tcode7 field is blank, then the value from the person table termination code is displayed if it exists.

Status Date


Status Date from the Michigan Retirement page (empuser.tcode8 where page_no = “32000”).

If the empuser.tcode8 field is blank, then the value from the person table termination date is displayed if it exists.

Report period


User input during the data load process

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