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ERM Wage and Contribution Report

You can use the ERM (Employer Reporting and Maintenance) Wage and Contribution Report to report employee wage and contribution information to the Indiana Public Retirement System (INPRS).

Menu path

From the Human Resources menu, select State. From the State - IN menu, select ERM Wage and Contribution Report.

Submission period

You must submit the report every payroll.

Selection rule

Includes all employees eligible for the retirement deduction and paid during the reporting pay period.



Set up the following before creating the ERM Wage and Contribution report.

Deduction codes

Set up deduction codes for TRF (Teachers' Retirement Fund) and PERF (Public Employees' Retirement Fund) contributions.

Before setting up deduction codes, you must set up deductions.

  1. On the IN ERM Wage and Contribution Report page, select Deductions.

  2. Optionally, filter records using the filter criteria. To enter filter criteria:

    1. Select an option in the first field.

    2. Select or enter a value.

    3. Select Add if the button is enabled.
      Refer to Searching for Records for more information.

  3. Select Add Record. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information.

  4. Select Save, and then select Yes.

You can also edit or delete records:

  • To edit a record, click the ellipsis in the Actions column, and select Edit.

  • To delete a record, click the ellipsis in the Actions column, and select Delete. Click Yes.

Field descriptions



Deduction Code

Identifies the deduction.

The values are retrieved from the Deduction Table page.


The type of deduction the code is used for.

Valid values:

  • PERF

  • TRF

  • Severance


Indicates the payer for the contribution.

This field appears if TRF is selected in the Type field. The value is retrieved from the Deduction Table page. If it is not set up on the Deduction Table page, you can select one of the following options:

  • Employer

  • Employee

  • Rate per individual employee


Indicates whether this deduction is mandatory.

The employer must submit the mandatory contributions as pre-tax for TRF members electing the My Choice Plan.


Indicates whether this deduction is taken before taxes.

The employer must submit the mandatory contributions as pre-tax for TRF members electing the My Choice Plan.

The value is retrieved from the Deduction Table page.

Employer Share

Indicates whether to include the deduction in the employer share.

This option appears if PERF is selected in the Type field.


Indicates whether the deduction is federal.

This option appears if TRF is selected in the Type field.

Include in gross

Indicates whether to include this deduction in current wages.

This option appears if TRF is selected in the Type field.

Load data

  1. On the IN ERM Wage and Contribution Report page, select Load.

  2. Refer to Field Descriptions and select the required dates for the report.

  3. Select Load, and then select Yes.

  4. If data for the selected criteria is loaded, select Yes to delete and reload the data.

  5. Save the Load Summary report and select OK.

  6. Navigate to the folder containing the summary report file.

  7. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  8. Repeat these steps until all required data is loaded.

Field descriptions



Pay Date

The date the payroll was distributed to employees by check or direct deposit.

All the detail transactions must be associated with this payroll date.

Check History Begin Date

The beginning date of the date range in which employees were paid. The load process selects the employees who were paid during this period. Employees who meet other criteria like deductions setup are also selected.

Check History End Date

The end date of the date range in which employees were paid. The load process selects the employees who were paid during this period. Employees who meet other criteria like deductions setup are also selected.

Report Pay Begin Date

The beginning date of the payroll period for the reported record.

Report Pay End Date

The end date of the payroll period for the reported record.

Maintain data

You can correct loaded data before submitting the report. However, any corrections must also be updated in the source data.

  1. On the IN ERM Wage and Contribution Report page, filter records using the filter criteria. To enter filter criteria, select an option from the list and then enter or select a value.

    • To add a record, click Add Record. Refer to the Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. Select Save, then Yes.

    • To edit a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column and then select Edit. Update the information and select Save.

    • To delete a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column, select Delete, and then select Yes.

Field descriptions

Employee Information



Pay Date

The date the employee was paid.

Pay Start Date

The reporting period pay start date.

Pay End Date

The reporting period pay end date.

Record Type

The type of record for this transaction.

Valid values:

  • R - Regular

  • A - Adjustment to Regular Pay

  • S - Settlement Adjustment

Submission Unit Number

The number identifying the submitted unit. Use this number to group submissions.

This field is set when creating a new record; you cannot update it once it is saved.

The limit is seven digits in two parts – four and three.

  • PERF: Typically, four digits, followed by three zeros. Fill in all digits. For example, 0550-000 will be 0550000.

  • TRF: Typically, two digits representing the Employer Account Number, followed by the Unit Code, which is one – three digits. Fill in all digits. For example, 99-12 will be 0099012.

Submission Unit Fund

The unit fund for the submission. This is the employee's state retirement fund.

Valid values:

  • PERF - Public Employees Retirement Fund

  • TRF - Teachers Retirement Fund

  • PA - Prosecuting Attorneys’ Retirement Fund (PARF)

  • JU - Judges

  • 77 - 1977 Fund

  • CE - Conservation Enforcement Officers' Retirement Plan (Excise Plan)

Employee Number

The employee’s unique identification number.

Click Lookup to search for and select a valid employee number.

Social Security

The employee’s nine-digit Social Security number.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Pension ID

The nine-digit code identifying the employee's pension account.

The value is retrieved from the Pension ID field on the Employee Information - State Required page.

First Name

The employee’s first name.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Middle Name

The employee’s middle name.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Last Name

The employee’s last name.

The value is retrieved from the Employee Information page.

Wages and Contribution Information




The total amount of the employee's pay period wages.

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

Mandatory Post-Tax Contribution

The total amount of the employee's mandatory post-tax contribution.

This is the 3% Mandatory Contribution the employee pays - Post-tax.

The employer must submit the mandatory contributions as pre-tax for TRF members electing the My Choice Plan.

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

Mandatory Pre-Tax Contribution

The total amount of the employee's mandatory pre-tax contribution.

This is the 3% Mandatory Contribution the employer pays - Pre-tax.

The employer must submit the mandatory contributions as pre-tax for TRF members electing the My Choice Plan.

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

Employer Share

The total amount of the employer share for the pay period.

This only applies to employees enrolled in the Voluntary Pre-Tax plan before 1/1/2018.

For PERF employers offering both plans:

  • Employer Share for Hybrid members= Member’s Wages x ER Share Percent

  • Employer Share for My Choice members= [(Normal Cost % x Member’s Wages) + (Supplemental Cost % x Member’s Wages) + (Matching Component % x (Member’s Voluntary Pre-Tax amount1 + Member’s Voluntary Post-Tax amount))]

For TRF employers:

  • Employer Share for Hybrid members = (Member’s Wages – FSP Wages) x ER Share Percent

  • Employer Share for My Choice members = {[Normal Cost % x (Member’s Wages – FSP Wages)] + [(Supplemental Cost % x (Member’s Wages – FSP Wages)]}

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

FSP Wages

The total amount of the employee's FSP (Federally Supported Program) wages for the pay period.

This is only for TRF.

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

FSP Contribution

The total amount of the employee's FSP (Federally Supported Program) contribution for the pay period.

This is only for TRF.

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

HEP Contribution

The total amount of the employee's HEP (Higher Education Program) contribution for the pay period.

This is only for TRF.

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

Voluntary Post-tax Contribution

The total post-tax amount of the employee's voluntary contribution to TRS (Teachers Retirement System).

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

Voluntary Pre-tax Contribution

The total pre-tax amount of the employee's voluntary contribution to TRS (Teachers Retirement System).

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

Days Total

The total number of days taught in the pay period.

This is only for TRF.

The limit is ten numeric characters.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

Separation Information



Last Day

The date of the employee's last day in a covered position.

Used if the employee is moving from a covered position to a non-covered position and represents the last day worked in the covered position.

Last Pay

The employee's last pay date if the employee was terminated.

Last Check

The date the employee's last check was issued.

This field is required if there is a date in the Last Pay field.

Severance Wages

The total amount of wages the employee received as severance.

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

Severance Contribution

The total post-tax amount of the employee contribution on severance.

This is the 3% Mandatory Contribution the employee pays on Severance Wages - Post-tax.

The employer must submit the mandatory contributions as pre-tax for TRF members electing the My Choice Plan.

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

Severance Pre-Tax Contribution

The total pre-tax amount of the employee contribution on severance.

This is the 3% Mandatory Contribution the employer pays on Severance Wages - Pre-tax.

The employer must submit the mandatory contributions as pre-tax for TRF members electing the My Choice Plan.

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

Severance Employer Share

The total amount of the share paid by the employer to the employee.

This only applies to employees enrolled in the Voluntary Pre-Tax Contribution plan before 1/1/2018.

For PERF employers offering both plans:

  • Severance - Employer Share for Hybrid members = Member’s Severance Wages x ER Share Percent

  • Severance - Employer Share for My Choice members = [(Normal Cost % x Member’s Severance Wages) + (Supplemental Cost % x Member’s Severance Wages) + (Matching Component % x (Member’s Voluntary Pre-Tax amount1 + Member’s Voluntary Post-Tax amount))]

For TRF employers:

  • Severance Employer Share for Hybrid members= Member’s Severance Wages x ER Share Percent

  • Severance Employer Share for My Choice members= [Normal Cost % x Member’s Severance Wages) + (Supplemental Cost % x Member’s Severance Wages)]

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

Severance Voluntary Post-tax Contribution

The total amount of the employee's post-tax voluntary contribution on severance pay.

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

Severance Voluntary Pre-tax Contribution

The total amount of the employee's pre-tax voluntary contribution on severance pay.

This only applies to employees enrolled before 1/1/2018.

The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to nine digits before the decimal and up to two digits following the decimal.

If the amount is less than zero, include a hyphen at the beginning of the field. Negative amounts are used for adjustments.

Create file

  1. On the IN ERM Wage and Contribution Report page, select Reports.

  2. Select the Pay Date.

  3. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Select Hard Copy.

    2. Select PDF or Excel.

    3. Select Sort By SSN or Sort By Last Name.

    4. Select the Submission Unit Fund.

    5. If you have the security permission to review the entire Social Security Number (without masking) and want to include it, select Print Full Social Security Number.

    6. Select Create, and then select Yes.

  4. Save the file and select OK.

  5. Navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  6. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  7. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

  8. Create the electronic file:

    1. Select Electronic File.

    2. Select Create, and then select Yes.

    3. Save the file and select OK.

The default file names are based on the Submission Unit Fund selected on the IN ERM Wage and Contribution Report – Report page:






  • 77: IN_WAGE<MMDDYYYY>_77.txt


Follow the state's submission procedures.

Purge data

If you need to correct setups or employee data, purge the existing records and reload the data.

  1. On the IN ERM Wage and Contribution Report page, select Purge.

  2. Select the Pay Date.

  3. Select Submit.

  4. Select Yes, and then select OK.

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