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IL TRS Payroll Report

PA 100-0769 requires the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) to offer an optional Defined Contribution plan for all members, regardless of Tier. Defined contribution plans inherently come with specific reporting requirements which require changing from annual reporting to pay-period reporting.

Menu Path

Choose Human Resources from the main navigation menu, then choose State. Click IL TRS Payroll Report.

Submission Period

Every payroll

Selection Rule

All employees who are eligible for the TRS pension are selected and reported.


Pay Schedule

  1. Click Pay Schedule.

  2. Filter records using the filter criteria.

  3. Click Find.

  4. To add a record, click Add new. Enter valid information in the required fields. Click Accept.

  5. To delete, select a record and click Delete, then click Yes.

Deduction Codes

Before setting up TRS deduction codes, ensure that you set up valid TRS deductions on the Deduction Table page.

TRS deduction codes have the following Contribution Categories available:

  • 01 - Tier 1 DB

  • 02 - Tier 2 DB

  • 03 - SSP

  • 04 - SSP Catch-Up

  • 05 - SSP Special Catch-Up

  • 06 - Roth SSP

  • 07 - Roth SSP Catch-Up

  • 08 - Roth SSP Special Catch-Up

  • 09 - Discretionary Matching

  • 10 - Discretionary Non-Elective

  • 99 - Retired

The system calculates the benefit automatically based on whether the employee is being paid from federal funds, as long as the employee also has at least one of the following types of deduction codes set up:

  • Primary Teacher Retirement Deduction

  • Secondary Teacher Retirement Deduction

  • Teacher Retirement Board Paid Deduction

  • SSP Deduction

  • THIS Deduction

The IL Federally Funded Grant List is also required for this calculation since it enables the system to determine which payroll distributions are federally funded.

  1. Click Deduction Codes.

  2. Filter records using the filter criteria.

  3. Click Search.

  4. To add a record, click Add new. Enter valid information in the required fields. Click Accept.

  5. To edit, double-click the record. Update the information and click Accept.

  6. To delete, select a record and click Delete, then click Yes.

You can set up the following types of TRS deduction codes:

Set Up The Federal Funds Paid Deduction Code

Employees who may have pay subject to Federal TRS benefit calculation should have the Federal Funds Paid deduction code added as an active code. It should use the percentage from the Deduction Code table. The pay frequency for this deduction should not be selected for calculation.

  1. Click Deduction Codes.

  2. Click Add new.

  3. In the Deduction Code field, select the Benefit (Federal) deduction created during the TRS Deductions setup.

  4. Choose Type Benefit (Federal).

  5. Choose a Contribution Category.

  6. Choose a Report Type.

  7. Click Accept.

Set Up The Deduction Code For Retired Employees

  1. Click Deduction Codes.

  2. Click Add new.

  3. In the Deduction Code field, select the "NONE" deduction for retired employees created during the TRS Deductions setup.

  4. Choose Type Secondary Deduction.

  5. Choose Contribution Category 99-Retired.

  6. Choose a Report Type.

  7. Click Accept.

Set Up Employee Paid - Percentage Deduction Codes

  1. Click Deduction Codes.

  2. Click Add new.

  3. In the Deduction Code field, select the relevant deduction created during the TRS Deductions setup.

  4. Choose Type:

    • Primary Deduction

    • Secondary Deduction

  5. Choose a Contribution Category.

  6. Choose a Report Type.

  7. Click Accept.

Set Up Teacher Board Paid - Percentage Deduction Codes

Board Paid deductions are when the employer pays the 9% employee contributions that the employee would otherwise pay.

  1. Click Deduction Codes.

  2. Click Add new.

  3. In the Deduction Code field, select the relevant deduction created during the TRS Deductions setup.

  4. Choose Type Board Paid.

  5. Choose a Contribution Category.

  6. Choose a Report Type.

  7. Click Accept.

Set Up SSP Deduction Codes

  1. Click Deduction Codes.

  2. Click Add new.

  3. In the Deduction Code field, select the relevant deduction created during the TRS Deductions setup.

  4. Choose Type SSP Deduction.

  5. Choose a Contribution Category.

  6. Choose a Report Type.

  7. Click Accept.

Set Up THIS Deduction Codes

  1. Click Deduction Codes.

  2. Click Add new.

  3. In the Deduction Code field, select the relevant deduction created during the TRS Deductions setup.

  4. Choose Type THIS Deduction.

  5. Choose a Contribution Category.

  6. Choose a Report Type.

  7. Click Accept.

Load Data

You can load data based on Defined Benefit, SSP Defined Contribution, Check Issue Date, and Leave Codes Included in Sick Days.

  1. Choose Load.

  2. Select the Check Issue Date, Defined Benefit, and SSP Defined Contribution.

  3. In the Include Pay Runs section, enter the pay runs.

  4. Select the Leave Codes Included in Sick Days.

  5. To add a leave code, click Insert Row and select a leave code.

  6. To delete a leave code, select the leave code and click Delete.

  7. Click Accept, then Yes.

  8. Select the Destination for the report:

    • Select File to save the report in .rpt format. In the File Name field, specify a path and file name.

    • Select Screen to save the report in .pdf format.

  9. Click OK.

Days/Hours Upload

Use the Days/Hours Upload option to upload actual hours and days worked for employees for a specified Employee, Report Type, and Report Date/Check Issue Date, with options to replace or append the data. It would be best to run the upload after loading data, to update IL TRS pay records for the check issue date.

Create the Upload File

The user should create an upload file called dayshoursupload.csv with the following comma-separated fields:




Employee number


If the employee number is not available, leave the field blank. However, each record must have one employee number, one employee SSN, or both for the record to be processed.

Employee SSN


If the employee SSN is not available, leave the field blank. However, each record must have one employee number, one employee SSN, or both for the record to be processed.

Check issue date



Docked days


Must be in the range of 000.00 – 999.99

Sick days


Must be in the range of 0000.0 – 9999.9

Days paid


Must be in the range of 00 – 99

Post-retirement hours


Must be in the range of 000.00 – 999.99

Post-retirement hours are processed only for employees with Y in the Retired Flag field on the Illinois State Retirement - Employee Information page.

For example, this is a line from dayshoursupload.csv:


Upload the File

  1. Choose Days/Hours Upload.

  2. Select the Check Issue Date.

  3. Select Defined Benefit to upload defined benefit report type employees (plan 01).

  4. Select SSP Defined Contribution to upload SSP defined contribution report type employees (plan 02).

  5. In the Adjust/Replace field, select:

    • Replace days/hours to replace the numbers in the employee record with the numbers in the upload file.

    • Adjust days/hours to add the numbers in the upload file to the numbers already in the employee record.

  6. Select Docked Days to upload docked days data.

  7. Select Sick/Personal Days to upload sick days data.

  8. Select Days Paid to upload days paid data.

  9. Select Post-Retirement Hours to upload post-retirement hours data.

  10. Select the File Source.

  11. Click Choose File and select dayshoursupload.csv.

  12. Click OK.

The upload only performs updates if the employee has a pre-existing (already loaded) record for the Record Type, employee number, and check issue date.

Maintain Data

You can correct loaded data before submitting the report. However, any corrections to information must also be updated in the source data.

  1. On the IL TRS Payroll Report page, you can filter records to display by the filter criteria.

  2. Click Find.

  3. To add a record, click Add new. Specify valid information in the required fields and click Accept.

  4. To edit, double-click the record. Update the information and click Accept.

  5. To delete, select a record and click Delete, then click Yes.

Create File

  1. On the IL TRS Payroll Report page, choose Report.

  2. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Under Report Type, select Hard Copy.

    2. Under Sort Order, select Social Security Number or Name.

    3. Specify the Report Criteria.

    4. Click OK.

    5. Select Excel to save the report in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.

    6. Click OK.

    7. Click Yes to include full social security numbers on the report.

  3. Save the file and navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  4. Inspect the files. Update data, if needed.

  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until all the required data is included.

  6. Create the electronic file:

    1. Under Report Format, select Electronic File.

    2. Specify the Report Criteria.

    3. Click OK.

    4. In the File Name field, specify a path and file name.

    5. Click OK.

  7. Inspect the file. Update data, if needed.

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all required data is included.

Follow the state's submission procedures.

Purge Data

If you need to correct setups or employee data, first purge the existing records, then reload the data.

  1. Choose Purge.

  2. Select a Check Issue Date.

  3. Select Defined Benefit to purge defined benefit contributions (plan 01).

  4. Select SSP Defined Contribution to purge SSP defined contributions (plan 02).

  5. Click OK.

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