IL Annual TRS Report
Menu Path: Human Resources, then State, then IL Annual TRS Report.
Report Specific Set-up
Prior to using the report application, follow the setup instructions in the TRS Deductions section. The appropriate deduction codes must be entered into the Primary Teacher Retirement Deductions, Teacher Retirement Board Paid, and/or TR Benefit (Federal) fields. If there are additional TRS deduction codes these may be entered into the Secondary Teacher Retirement Deductions. The Teacher Retirement Deductions should contain the teacher's retirement deduction codes in which a percentage of the employee's wages are deducted.
At least one of the Primary or Secondary Teacher Retirement Deduction codes or a Teacher Retirement Board Paid code needs to be identified for the TRS annual report to generate.
The Federal Funding Organization Level in the Human Resources Profile - State Window should contain the level of the Organization Chart which indicates whether or not a budget is federally funded. The drop-down list contains the titles for the Organization Chart as set up in the Fund Accounting Profile. For example, if users distinguish a federally funded budget code from a non-federally funded code by the Program level, select Program from the list. This field is used to calculate the federal benefit. The federal benefit only calculates on the employee's salary paid from federal funds. In addition, to calculate a federal retirement benefit for teachers who are paid from federal funds, the following should be set up prior to calculating the first payroll:
- The specific codes from your Organization Chart that identify federal funds must be entered in the IL Federally Funded Grant List.
- Employees who are paid from federal funds must also have one of the Primary Teacher Retirement Deductions or the Teacher Retirement Board Paid deduction assigned to them as an active deduction in order for the federal retirement benefit to be calculated.
See the Federal Retirement Benefit Calculation section below for more information about how the federal teacher retirement benefit is calculated and distributed.
The Leave Pay Method on the Human Resources Profile - State Window must also be selected before running the Annual TRS report. Select either H - Hourly, D -Daily, or B - Both, depending on how you have your pay codes set up for leave. The Leave Pay Method is used in the calculation of the number of days of leave without pay, as part of the calculation of days paid.
if you select either D - Daily or B - Both, the system will use a daily calculation.
Employment Type and Hours Per Day
Human Resources, then Entry & Processing, then Employee, then Employee Information
You also need to enter the Employment Type and Hours Per Day on the employee's State Required page for TRS employees.
- Choose the Employee Information page.
- Select an employee.
- Click Payroll Information, then select State Required.
- Enter an Employment Type:
- F = Full-Time
- P = Part-Time Contractual
- S = Substitute
- H = Part-Time Non-Contractual (Hourly or Daily)
- E = Extra Duties Not Requiring Certification
- Enter Hours Per Day, if applicable. This field should be entered if Leave Pay Method = H - Hourly on the Human Resources Profile - State page.
If the Employment Type is 'F = Full Time' or 'P = Part-Time,' then a Full-Time Equivalent percentage value will be expected in the FTE field. This value should be between 10 and 100.
Extra Duty Pay Codes
For those employees who do not work for the full school term, the annual salary calculation requires a way to identify which pay codes are considered extra duty. These pay codes are entered and maintained within a separate database table, il_expaycode. This database table only contains one field (paycode CHAR(3)).
To enter the Extra Duty Pay Codes, click Pay Codes on the Action bar.
Any existing extra duty pay codes will automatically display. To add a record click Add New. To delete a record, select the desired record and click Delete.
You must enter the extra duty pay codes before you load the TRS data. Any pay codes not entered into the extra duty pay codes page will not be included in the annual salary calculations during data load.
Load Employee Information
The Load option retrieves the data elements required by TRS for all reportable employees and stores the information in a separate work table.
- Enter the Report Year and Fiscal Start/End Dates.
- Click OK.
The system checks to see if any TRS work records exist for the selected year. If any records are found, you must purge the previous data before loading the new data.
The information stored in the work file is retrieved and calculated as follows:
Field | Description |
Fiscal Begin, Fiscal End, and Year | User entered at load time. |
SSN | This is the SSN from the employee information page (employee.ssn) |
Name | The employee's name, last name first (employee.l_name, employe.f_name) |
Employee Type | This is stored on the state-required screen for each employee. The five possible values stored in that field are F, P, H, S, or E. |
Employment Agreement Days | This comes from the number of days field on the employee's primary pay rate calendar type (calendar.no_days) |
Days Paid | This calculates based on the employee's Type of Employment, as found on their State Required page:
Annual Salary Rate | This calculates depending on the employee's Type of Employment, as found on their State Required page.
Creditable Earnings | This calculates depending on which deduction code, the Teacher Retirement deduction or the TR Benefit (federal) deduction, the employee has.
Retirement Contribution | This calculates depending on which deduction code, the Teacher Retirement deduction or the TR Benefit (federal) deduction, the employee has.
Federal Retirement Benefit Calculation
Teacher retirement deduction codes and the IL Federally Funded Grant List must be set up prior to the payroll calculation in order for the federal retirement benefit to be calculated correctly.
The following is an example of how the federal teacher retirement benefit is calculated and distributed. Assume there are three gross pay records in the payroll calculation for the employee, and that the benefit rate for the federal benefit is 20 % (0.20). If the employee's pay records are as follows:
Record Number | Key Organization | Federal Code? | Amount |
1 | 10011101111 | Yes | $1,000 |
2 | 10011102111 | Yes | $500 |
3 | 20011102111 | No | $500 |
The teacher retirement benefit amount would be calculated by the system on a gross pay amount of $1500, which is the total amount paid from federal funds (record 1 and record 2). Therefore the federal retirement benefit amount would be 1500 x .20 = $300.
During the payroll Fund Accounting Interface, since the third record has a key organization that is not federally funded, it would not be considered.
The $300 benefit would then be distributed as follows:
Record Number | Key Organization | Amount |
1 | 10011101111 | 300 x (1000/1500) = 200 |
2 | 10011102111 | 300 x (500/1500) = 100 |
Data Definitions
The following table shows the Illinois field names, the Column names and where the data is retrieved from for employee information that is loaded within IL Annual TRS Report.
Field Name | Description | Database Table/ Name | Type | Location |
Fiscal Year Start Date | Beginning date of the fiscal year | il_trswork. fisc_begin | DATE | Entered by user when loading data (defaults from fam_prof.fisc_begin_date) |
Fiscal Year End Date | Ending date of the fiscal year | il_trswork. fisc_end | DATE | Entered by user when loading data (defaults from fam_prof.fisc_end_date) |
Report Year | Fiscal year for the annual TRS report | il_trswork. year | CHAR (4) | Entered by user when loading data |
Social Security | Social security number | il_trswork. ssn | CHAR (11) | employee.ssn |
Member Name | Name of the employee | il_trswork. name | CHAR (25) | employee.l_name, " ", employee.name_suffix, " ", employee.f_name, " ", employee.m_name |
Employee Type | Type of employment; F = Full-time, P = Part-time contractual, S = Substitute, H = Part-time non-contractual (hourly or daily), and E = Extra duties not requiring certification | il_trswork. empl_type | CHAR (1) | empuser.ftext1 where page_no = 32000 |
Employee Agreement Days | Number of days in employment agreement – the number of days in the school term or the member's employment agreement, if longer | il_trswork. emp_agree_days | SMALLINT | calendar.no_days from the calendar of the employee's primary pay rate record |
Days Paid | Total number days paid – total number of days, Monday through Friday, during the school year for which the member performed duties requiring certification, not including unpaid days | il_trswork. days_paid | SMALLINT | Calculated differently depending on employment type – see the previous page for a more complete description |
Annual Salary Rate | Annual salary rate – for employment type 'F' or 'P', the annual salary rate represents what would have been earned in the position if the member worked his or her normal schedule, with no docks, for the entire school term or length of the employment agreement, if longer. For other types it is the amount of creditable earnings. | il_trswork. ann_sal_rate | DECIMAL (10,2) | Calculated differently depending on employment type – see the previous page for a more complete description |
Creditable Earnings | Creditable earnings – actual creditable earnings earned by the member including employer-paid member contributions. | il_trswork. cr_earnings | DECIMAL (10,2) | For Teacher Retirement Deductions, deduct.sal_f |
Retirement Contribution | Member TRS contributions – i.e. the creditable earnings times the percent of the TRS deduction or benefit | il_trswork. ret_contrib | DECIMAL (10,2) | For Teacher Retirement Deductions, deduct.taken_f |
Special Trust / Federal | Amount of creditable earnings paid from federal funds or special trust | il_trswork. spec_trust | DECIMAL (10,2) | deduct.sal_f for Teacher Retirement Benefit (Federal) deduction |
Employee Number | The employee number | il_trswork. empl_no | INTEGER | employee.empl_no |
Maintain the Data
After you load the data, the user can perform searches, add, update and delete records from the main page of IL Annual TRS Report.
Click Find to query the existing records based on the search criteria the user entered. After the records display, select the desired record and click OK to review and update.
To add a record click Add New and enter the appropriate information.
To delete a record, select the desired record and click Delete.
Generate Reports and Files
To generate the IL Annual TRS Report, either a hard copy or an electronic file to be submitted to the state,
- Click Report on the action bar.
- Select the type of report. If you are print the Hard Copy report, you can also choose to sort the report either by social security number or by name.
- Select the year for the report, then click OK.
- If the user has permission to view social security numbers, click Yes to print the full numbers or No to print the masked format.
- Select the destination for the report, then click OK.
The Electronic File option produces an ASCII text file containing each reportable employee using the record layout specified by the Illinois Teachers' Retirement System. The name of the file created is "Import2". The default location for this file is the directory associated with the FASTAPDIR environmental variable.
File Layouts and Data Mapping
The following table shows the Illinois field numbers, field names, and where the data is retrieved from for the IL Annual TRS Report file that is submitted to the state.
The ASCII Fixed Length Specifications states the following: "Import2 file must be in a specific fixed length ASCII format with a record length of 98 characters." However, it should be noted that there are only 96 visible characters. The last two characters in the output file are a carriage return and line feed which are not visible.
Field Name | Description | Format | Length | Position | Location |
Letter Code | Letter A | Text | 1 | 1-1 | "A" |
Social Security Number | Required. No imbedded spaces or special characters. | Number | 9 | 2-10 | il_trswork.ssn with no dashes |
Name | Name; last name first. Left justified, blank filled | Text | 25 | 11-35 | |
Gender | Employee gender; M or F | Text | 1 | 41 | |
Date of Birth | Employee's birth date | Number | 8 | 42-49 | employee.birthdate |
Type of Employment | Type of employment – F, P, S, H, or E | Text | 1 | 50 | il_trswork.empl_type |
Number of Days in Employment Agreement | The number of days in the school term or the member's employment agreement, if longer | Number | 3 | 51-53 | il_trswork.emp_agree_days |
Total Number of Days Paid | Total number of days during the school year for which the member performed duties requiring certification, not including unpaid days | Number | 3 | 54-56 | il_trswork.days_paid |
Annual Salary Rate | What would have been earned in the position if the member worked his or her normal schedule, with no docks, for the entire school term or length of the employment agreement, if longer. Right-justified, zero-filled | Number, with 2 decimal places | 10, including the decimal | 57-66 | il_trswork.ann_sal_rate |
Creditable Earnings | Creditable earnings earned by the member including employer-paid member contributions. Right justified, zero-filled. | Number, with 2 decimal places | 10, including the decimal | 67-76 | il_trswork.cr_earnings |
Member TRS Contributions | Creditable earnings times the percent of the TRS deduction or benefit. Right-justified, zero-filled. | Number, with 2 decimal places | 10, including the decimal | 77-86 | il_trswork.ret_contrib |
Federal Funds | Amount of creditable earnings paid from federal funds or special trust | Number, with 0 decimal places | 10, including the decimal | 87-96 | il_trswork.spec_trust |
FTE | Full time equivalent percentage of a full or part time employee. | Number with 0 decimal places. | 3 | 97-99 | Il_trswork.fte |
End of Line | Carriage return line feed | Special Characters | 100-101 | CR/LF (not visible) |
Purge Data
- Click Purge on the action bar.
- Enter the report year to be purged, then click OK.
- Click Yes to confirm.