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Human Resources Profile – State

Before generating reports, ensure that you enter valid information on the Human Resources Profile - State page.

  1. On the start page, select Menu > System Administration > Administration > Human Resources Profile (under Profiles). 

  2. On the navigation bar, click State Window.

  3. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields.

  4. On the navigation bar, click OK.

Field Descriptions



Referencing Reports

School ID

The four-digit code for the school.

Note: This number is the same as the last four digits of the 15-digit state-assigned RCDTS code for the school.

Previously used by the IL Teacher Service Record Report. This field is no longer required.

Federal Funding Organization Level

The federal program ID Level. Select the level of the organization chart that identifies federal funds. This is used in the TRS reporting of Federal Earnings.

IL Annual TRS Report

IL TRS Payroll Report

Leave Pay Method

The leave pay method is used in the calculation of Days Paid.  The values are H - Hourly, D - Daily, or B - Both.

IL Annual TRS Report

IL TRS Payroll Report

Municipal Retirement Fund

The fund to which IMRF district paid benefits are charged (usually "50").

Note: You must specify a fund in this field before generating reports.

IL IMRF Monthly Report

Social Security Fund

The fund to which FICA and Medicare district paid benefits are charged.

Note: You can enter the same fund in the Municipal Retirement Fund and Social Security Fund fields if the district does not separate the funds. If FICA, Medicare, and IMRF benefits should not be charged to separate funds for non-levied employees, set up different pay codes with "NL" as the first two pay code description characters.

You must specify a fund in this field before generating reports.

IL IMRF Monthly Report

IMRF Code #1,
IMRF Code #2,
IMRF Code #3

The deduction codes representing IMRF employee deductions or board-paid benefits. The IMRF Monthly Report includes employees with any of these codes.

IL IMRF Monthly Report

Employer ID

The IMRF-assigned employer identification number associated with the IMRF deduction codes.

IL IMRF Monthly Report

Employer Name

The name of the employer associated with the IMRF employer ID. The IMRF Monthly Report includes the employer's name.

IL IMRF Monthly Report

Voluntary Additional IMRF Codes

The deduction codes for voluntary additional member contributions to IMRF.

IL IMRF Monthly Report

Administrator Job Classes

The range of job classes for administrators.

Previously used by the IL Teacher Service Record Report. This field is no longer required.

Unemployment Deduction Codes

The deduction codes for unemployment insurance deductions or “XXX” if none exist. Gross wages for pay codes exempt from these deduction codes are not included in the IL Quarterly/Monthly Wage Report's total gross wages.

IL Quarterly/Monthly Wage Report

TRS Flag

Special TRS fiscal year-end flag.

IL Annual TRS Report

IL TRS Payroll Report

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