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Defined Page 32001 - Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) Reporting

Before generating reports, enter valid TRS information on the TRS Reporting page.

Enter TRS information for regular employees

On the Employee Information page, the Pending Status for a regular employee is blank.

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processing, then from the Employee menu, select Employee Information.

  3. Enter the search criteria, select Exclude Pending Employees, then select Search.

  4. Select the relevant employee record, then select Accept

  5. Select Personnel Information, then select Defined Windows.

  6. Select 32001, then select Accept

  7. Refer to Field descriptions and enter valid information. 

  8. Select Accept.

Enter TRS information for pending employees

Pending employees require additional information to complete the employee record. On the Employee Information page, the Pending Status on the record displays Add Pending.

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processing, then from the Employee menu, select Employee Information.

  3. Enter the search criteria, select Only List Pending Employees, then select Search.

  4. Select the relevant employee record, then select Accept

  5. Select TRS Reporting

  6. Refer to Field descriptions and enter valid information.

  7. Select Finish.

  8. On the navigation bar, select Finish.

  9. Select OK.

Field descriptions



Pay Frequency

The employee's pay frequency.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Monthly

  • 02 = Semi-Monthly

  • 03 = Bi-Weekly

  • 04 = Weekly

The value in this field overrides the value in the Pay Frequency field on the Employment tab of the IL TRS Payroll Report page.

Emp Beg Date

The employment starting date.

The date in this field overrides the date in the Hire Date field on the Employment tab of the IL TRS Payroll Report page.

Emp End Date

The employment ending date.

The date in this field overrides the date in the Termination Date field on the Employment tab of the IL TRS Payroll Report page.

Job Category

The employee's job category.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Teacher

  • 02 = Administrator

  • 03 = Medical/Counseling

This field is mandatory for the IL TRS Payroll report.

The value in this field overrides the value in the Job Category field on the Employment tab of the IL TRS Payroll Report page.

Contrib Cat

The employee's contribution category.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Tier 1 DB

  • 02 = Tier 2 DB

  • 03 = SSP

  • 04 = SSP Catch-Up

  • 05 = SSP Special Catch-Up

  • 06 = Roth SSP

  • 07 = Roth SSP Catch-Up

  • 08 = Roth SSP Special Catch-Up

  • 09 = Discretionary Matching

  • 10 = Discretionary Non-Elective

  • 99 = Retired

The value in this field overrides the value in the Contribution Category field on the Contribution tab of the IL TRS Payroll Report page.

Balanced Cal

Indicates whether the employee is on a balanced school year calendar.

Valid values:

  • Y

  • N

The value in this field overrides the value in the Balanced Calendar field on the Employment tab of the IL TRS Payroll Report page.

Ann Rate Ovr

The employee's annual rate.

The value in this field overrides the value in the Annual Rate field on the Employment tab of the IL TRS Payroll Report page.

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