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Quarterly Wage and Multiple Worksite Report

The Quarterly Wage and Multiple Worksite report provides the following information:

  • Monthly wages paid to each employee for the specified quarter

  • Multiple worksite data for the selected quarter

To report hours worked, you must load Affordable Care Act (ACA) Hours Tracking before loading data for the Quarterly Wage and Multiple Worksite report.

Menu Path

Select Human Resources from the main navigation menu, then select State. Select Quarterly Wage and Multiple Worksite Report.

Submission Period

January - March: Due by April 30
April - June: Due by July 31
July - September: Due by October 31
October - December: Due by January 31

Selection Rule

Includes all the employees who were paid wages and the worksite location data.



Before generating the Quarterly Wage and Multiple Worksite report, enter valid information in the required fields on the VT New Hire Report - Setup - Employer page.

  1. Select Setup, then Employer.

    When setting up an Employer for the first time, the default information from the W-2 employer information is displayed. You can change the default information.

  2. Refer to Field Descriptions and update the employer information.

  3. Select Save, then Yes.

    Before saving, you can revert the changes by clicking Reset.

Field Descriptions

Field Name



The name of the school or district.


Street Address 1

The first line of the employer's address.



The city where the district is located.



The two-character code identifying the state where the district is located.


The five-digit zip code of the district's location.

Zip Ext

The four-digit zip code extension.

Federal Identification Number (EIN)

The nine-digit state-assigned code identifying the district employer.

Employer VDOL Account Number

The state-assigned employer account number.

UI Wage Base

The taxable wage base for unemployment insurance in dollars.

This value changes annually. For 2022 reporting, enter 15,500.

For more information about the taxable wage base for other years, refer to Quarterly Reporting & Taxable Wage Information.

Site ID

The employer's Supervisory Union (SU) number.

Worksite Location

The location to use as the employer's worksite.


Before generating the Quarterly Wage and Multiple Worksite report, enter valid information in the required fields on the VT Quarterly Wage Report - Setup - Transmitter page.

  1. Select Setup, then Transmitter.

  2. Refer to Field Descriptions and update the transmitter information.

  3. Select Save, then Yes.

    Before saving, you can revert the changes by clicking Reset.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Federal Identification Number (EIN)

The nine-digit state-assigned code identifying the transmitter.


The name of the school or district.


Street Address

The transmitter's address.



The city where the district is located.



The two-character code identifying the state where the district is located.


The five-digit zip code of the district's location.

Zip Ext

The four-digit zip code extension.

Contact Title

The transmitter contact's title.

Contact Person Name

The transmitter contact's name.

Contact Phone

The ten-digit phone number for the transmitter contact.

Phone Ext

The four-digit extension of the transmitter contact's phone number.

Authorization Code

The six-digit authorization code.

POA Number

The third-party reporting three-digit POA number.

Worksite Information

Before generating the Quarterly Wage and Multiple Worksite report, enter valid information in the required fields on the VT Quarterly Wage Report - Setup - Multiple Worksite page.

  1. Select Setup, then Worksite Information.

  2. Filter records using the filter criteria. To enter filter criteria, select an option from the list, select an operator and a value, then select Add.

  3. To add a record, click Add Record. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. Select Save, then Yes.

  4. To edit a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column, then select Edit.

  5. To delete a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column, select Delete, then select Yes.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Worksite Code

Enter a worksite code of your choice.


Reporting Unit Number

Enter a five-digit reporting unit number of your choice.

Legal Name

The legal name of the worksite.

Trade Name

The trade name of the worksite.

Street Address

The worksite's address.


The city where the worksite is located.


The two-character code identifying the state where the district is located.


The five-digit zip code of the district's location.

Zip Ext

The four-digit zip code extension.

Worksite Description

The description of the worksite.

Primary Comment Code

The two-digit primary comment code.

Secondary Comment Code

The two-digit secondary comment code.

Third Comment Code

The three-digit third comment code.


The comments for the worksite.

Included Locations

Use this option to associate a location with a worksite code.

For example, if the Worksite Location selected on the VT New Hire Report - Setup - Employer page is Base Location, refer to the Location Table page and find the Location Code associated with the base location. Enter the location code for the base location in this field and select Add.

You can associate multiple locations with a worksite code.

Load Data

  1. Select Load.

  2. Select the Reporting Year and Reporting Quarter. The Check Issue Start Date and Check Issue End Date are updated.

  3. Select the pay run(s):

    • Pay Run(s) For 1st Month - Pay runs, including the 12th of the first month of the reporting period.

    • Pay Run(s) For 2nd Month - Pay runs, including the 12th of the second month of the reporting period.

    • Pay Run(s) For 3rd Month - Pay runs, including the 12th of the third month of the reporting period.
      Employees with wages in these pay runs are included in the report.

  4. Select the following options as required:

    • Employer no longer has employees in VT

    • Employer has discontinued operations in VT

    • Business has had a change of ownership

    • Business has had a change in mailing address.

  5. Select Load, then Yes. The VT Quarterly Wage Load Summary report is created.

  6. Save the VT Quarterly Wage Load Summary report file, then select OK.

  7. Navigate to the folder containing the summary report file.

  8. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  9. Repeat these steps until all the required data is loaded.

Data is loaded based on Reporting Year and Reporting Quarter. Data is then extracted from the check history for the date range entered in the Check Issue Start Date and Check Issue End Date fields. The dates must not overlap from quarter to quarter.

Maintain Data

You can correct loaded data before submitting the report. However, any corrections to application information must also be updated in the source data.

  1. On the VT Quarterly Wage Report page, filter records by the filter criteria.

  2. To enter filter criteria, select an option from the list, enter a keyword or select an option in the following field, and select Add.

  3. To add a record, select Add Record. Enter valid information in the required fields, and select Save, then Yes.

  4. To edit a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column and select Edit.

  5. To delete a record, select the ellipsis in the Actions column and select Delete, then Yes.

Create Files

Perform the following procedures in order, even if you do not send reports to the state:

  1. Pre Edit

  2. VDOL Response

  3. Wage and Contribution

  4. Addendum

  5. Multiple Worksite

    The Addendum file is only required if you pay unemployment insurance to the state.
    Generate the Multiple Worksite report before submitting the Wage and Contribution report to ensure the totals match.

Pre Edit

The process to be followed for the Pre Edit file is as follows:

  1. Create the Pre Edit file.

  2. Send the file to the Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL). You will receive a response file containing the district's current tax rates and balances.

  3. Upload the response file by following the VDOL Response process.

Districts under the Vermont School Boards Insurance Trust (VSBIT) must generate the Pre Edit file as part of the reporting process but do not need to submit the file to the VDOL.

  1. Select Reports, then Pre Edit.

  2. Verify that the data is correct.

  3. Select Create, then Yes.

  4. Save the file and click OK.

VDOL Response

If your reporting process does not require you to submit a Pre Edit file, you can create the VDOL Response file in the following format:





















The VDOL and FID numbers should be the actual numbers assigned, not sample data.

  1. Select Reports, then VDOL Response.

  2. Select the Reporting Year and Reporting Quarter.

  3. Select Choose File.

  4. Browse to and select the .csv file, select Open, then Upload.
    The VDOL Response File Data section displays the data from the VDOL response file.

Wage and Contribution

Generate the Multiple Worksite report before submitting the Wage and Contribution report to ensure the totals match.

  1. Select Reports, then Wage and Contribution.

  2. Select the Reporting Year and Reporting Quarter.

  3. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Hard Copy.

    2. Under File Format, select PDF or Excel.

    3. If you have the security to view the entire Social Security Number (without masking) and want to include the entire Social Security Number, select Print Full Social Security Number.

    4. Select Create, then Yes.

  4. Save the file and click OK.

  5. Navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  6. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  7. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

  8. Create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Electronic File.

    2. Select the Contribution Due Type.

      Select Taxable to include dollar amounts in the Total Wages, Excess Wages, and Taxable Wages fields.

      Select Reimburasable to include a dollar amount only in the Total Wages field.

    3. Select Create, then Yes.

  9. Save the file and select OK.


The Addendum file procedure calculates and reports the totals due for unemployment insurance for the district based on the tax rate and credit and debit balances in the VDOL Response file and the submitted Wage and Contribution report.

Districts under the VSBIT do not need to generate and submit the Addendum file to the VDOL.

  1. Select Reports, then Addendum.

  2. Select the Reporting Year and Reporting Quarter.

    You must select the same Reporting Year and Reporting Quarter selected on the VT Quarterly Wage Report - Reports - VDOL Response page.

  3. Enter the Service Bureau ID and the Confirmation Code.

    The VDOL provides the confirmation code after you submit the Quarterly Wage and Multiple Worksite Report#Wage and Contribution report.

  4. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Hard Copy.

    2. Select Create, then Yes.

  5. Save the file and click OK.

  6. Navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  7. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  8. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

  9. Create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Electronic File.

    2. Select Create, then Yes.

  10. Save the file and select OK.

Wage Report Lite

The Wage Report Lite is suitable for employers with less than 250 employees. This option allows you to create the Wage report without performing the Pre Edit and VDOL Response procedures.

  1. Select Reports, then Wage Report Lite.

  2. Select the Reporting Year and Reporting Quarter.

  3. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Hard Copy.

    2. Under File Format, select PDF or Excel.

    3. Select Create, then Yes.

  4. Save the file and click OK.

  5. Navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  6. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  7. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

  8. Create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Electronic File.

    2. Select Create, then Yes.

  9. Save the file and select OK.

Multiple Worksite

Generate the Multiple Worksite report before submitting the Wage and Contribution report to ensure the totals match.

  1. Select Reports, then Multiple Worksite.

  2. Select the Reporting Year and Reporting Quarter.

  3. Create a hard copy of the report to verify data before you create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Hard Copy.

    2. Under File Format, select PDF or Excel.

    3. Select Create, then Yes.

  4. Save the file and select OK.

  5. Navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  6. Inspect the file. Update data if needed.

  7. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

  8. Create the electronic file:

    1. Under File Type, select Electronic File.

    2. Select Create, then Yes.

  9. Save the file and select OK.

Purge Data

You can purge the data for the report in the following scenarios:

  • You want to discard the data for the report completely.

  • You want to change the setup or employee data and reload the data.

  1. Select Purge.

  2. Select the Reporting Year and Reporting Quarter.

  3. Select Submit.

  4. Select Yes, then OK.

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