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Human Resources Profile - State Page

Before generating reports, enter valid information on the Human Resources Profile - State page.

  1. On the start page, select System Administration.

  2. Select Administration, then from the Profiles menu, select Human Resources Profile.

  3. Select State Window.

  4. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields.

  5. Select Accept.

Field Descriptions

The following table lists the fields, descriptions, reports referencing the fields, and the database fields on the Human Resources Profile - State page.



Referencing Reports

Database Field

Primary Employer Organization Code

The five-digit employer organization code assigned by the state UI tax section.


Additional Employer Organization Code

The additional five-digit employer organization code assigned by the state UI tax section.


State ID Number

The W-2 Processing uses this field if populated instead of the State ID in the W-2 Setup.

Use this field if the State ID exceeds 15 characters.

W-2 Processing


Section 125 Table Code

The two-character prefix to identify the table used for Section 125 deductions.

Quarterly Wage Report


Turn Off Salary Update

Option to turn off the automated update of the Annual Salary field on the Retirement Information tab of the Employee Information dialog box.

VRS Modernization


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