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Teacher Service Records (TEA)

Use the Teacher Service Records page to add, update, load, and generate reports for Texas Teacher Service History records. Three different reports can be generated from these records as follows:

  • Teacher Service Record
  • Teacher Service History
  • Service Record Labels

Menu Path:  Human Resources > State > State > Teacher Service Records (TEA)


  • Enter valid information in the following fields on the Defined Page 32001 - State Required II page:

    • TSDS ID

    • TX Svc Rec Yrs

  • Enter valid information in the following fields on the employee's primary Pay Rate page:
    • Class
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Days Worked

The following items display on the Action Bar:


Displays the Load page. Use this page to load Teacher or Substitute data or update applicable data for Teacher Service History reporting purposes. This option can also be used to update leave information that was previously loaded with service history records. Data is loaded from employee, payroll, personnel, primary pay rate, and state retirement tables.

Users can access the TEA List page from this page.


Displays the Reports page. Use this page to generate the Texas Teacher Service History Record report, Teacher Service History Report, or Service History Record labels.

When the Service Record Labels option is indicated, a Print Line Up button will appear to allow the user to print the lineup. Enter the County and District information, and select to sort by Name or by Location and Name.

If you elect to include terminated employees, the report will automatically be sorted by 'Name', and the 'Location' and 'Status' fields will not be available as part of the selection criteria.


Purges the records listed in the Teacher Service Records List section.

TEA List

Displays the TEA List page. Use this page to set up leave earnings for full and partial days of service. Users enter the beginning and ending days employed ranges and number of days earned when the days of service are within the specified ranges.

This button is only available on the Load page.

Adding teacher service records

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > Teacher Service Records (TEA) to display the Teacher Service Records page.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. In the Teacher Service History Information section, complete the fields. For details, refer to the Fields section below.
  4. When finished, click OK.

Updating teacher service records

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > Teacher Service Records (TEA) to display the Teacher Service Records page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
  3. In the List section, select the desired record, and then click OK.
  4. In the Teacher Service History Information section, update the fields as needed. For details, refer to the Fields section below.
  5. When finished, click OK.

Deleting teacher service records

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > Teacher Service Records (TEA) to display the Teacher Service Records page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
  3. In the List section, selected the desired record, and then click Delete.
  4. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes to delete the record.

Purging teacher service records

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > Teacher Service Records (TEA) to display the Teacher Service Records page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
  3. On the Action Bar, click Purge.
  4. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes to purge the listed records.

Generating teacher service record reports

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > Teacher Service Records (TEA) to display the Teacher Service Records page.
  2. On the Action Bar, click Reports to display the Reports page.
  3. Select the Report Type, and then complete the fields in the Report Criteria and Selection Criteria sections. For details, refer to the Fields section below.
  4. When finished, click OK.
  5. In the Attention dialog, click Yes to print the full social security numbers on the report. Otherwise, click No.
  6. In the Print window, specify how you want to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is :

    Teacher Service Record


    Teacher Service History


    Service Record Labels


    Service Record Label Line Up


Loading teacher service records

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > Teacher Service Records (TEA) to display the Teacher Service Records page.
  2. On the Action Bar, click Load to display the Load page.
  3. Select the Load Type, and then complete the fields in the Load Criteria, Teacher Load Criteria, and Selection Criteria sections. For details, refer to the Fields section below.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Print window, specify how you want to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is servload.rpt for Load Teachers, subsload.rpt for Load Substitute Teachers, and servupd.rpt for Update Leave for Existing.

Updating the TEA list

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > Teacher Service Records (TEA) to display the Teacher Service Records page.
  2. On the Action Bar, click Load to display the Load page.
  3. On the Action Bar, click TEA List to display the TEA List page.
  4. In the Search Criteria section, select Full or Partial Day Types, and then click OK.
  5. In the Days Employed Range Information section, enter the beginning and ending days of employment and then the days earned for that range.
  6. Use the Insert Row and Delete Row buttons on the Action Bar as needed.
  7. When finished, click OK.

Teacher Service Records Page Fields

Employee Information Section

Once saved, the fields in this section cannot be updated.



Employee Number

Number identifying the employee. Click Lookup to display the Employee Lookup page and look up valid employees.

Social Security Number

Displays the selected employee's social security number.

Last Name

Employee's last name.

First Name

Employee's first name.


Any suffix that the employee may have in their name. Defaults based on the selected employee.

Middle Name

Employee's middle name. Defaults based on the selected employee.

Service Information Section




School year for the service record. YYYY format.

Record Number

Number identifying the record for sorting purposes.

Pay Step

Pay step for the employee's pay raises. This corresponds to the value entered in the employee's State Required page.


Full-time equivalent percentage for the employee's FTE value. 1.00 equals 100%.


Grades the employee works with as set in Personnel's Location table. The first five characters from the title of the job class display.

Default Button

The default button next to the Grades field will populate that field with the proper value for that employee.

Days Worked

Days the employee worked in that year.

The Days Worked are the number of days the employee works in a year as specified in the Days Worked field on the employee's primary pay rate.

From Date

Starting date for that year. MM/DD/YYYY format.

The From Date and To Date are the contract start and end dates from the calendar in the employee's primary rate.

To Date

Ending date for that year. MM/DD/YYYY format.

The From Date and To Date are the contract start and end dates from the calendar in the employee's primary rate.

Full semester

Select to indicate that a full semester is less than 90 days. Otherwise, leave blank.

Years Experience

Years of experience the employee had as of that year.

The Years' Experience is the number of years employed in the Texas education system from the Years in State field from the employee information employment tab.

Position Held

Code identifying the position held by the employee for that service record.

The Position Held identifies the employee's position based on the first five characters of the title from the employee's job class.

Leave Balances Section

The following fields each have Sick and Personal Leave Balances fields (Days Earned, Days Used and Year End) which should correspond to the employee's leave information.



Prior Year

Leave balance for the prior year for both sick and personal leave. Click the default buttons next to the Prior Year fields to enter the corresponding prior year balance value from last years' service record if it exists.

Days Earned

Days earned for both sick and personal leave.

Year Earned

School year that the leave was earned for both sick and personal leave. YY-YY format.

Days Used

Amount of days used from both the sick and personal leave balances.

Days End

Amount of days remaining at the end of the year for both the sick and personal leave balances.

Additional Notes Section

Use this section to add any necessary additional notes to the record.

Teacher Service Records Reports Page Fields

Report Criteria Section



Include Terminated Employees

Select to include terminated employees in the report. Otherwise, leave blank.

If selected, the report will be sorted by Name and Location, and the Status field will not be available.

Print Line Up Button

Click to generate the lineup. This option is only available for the Service Record Labels report type. Default filename: labellu.rpt.


Initial identification of the state. This will be TX. Display only.


County to report on.


Identification code for the district.

Private School

Select to indicate that this district is a private school. Otherwise, leave blank.

Sort Field

Select how the report will be sorted.


L - Location and Name
N - Name

Selection Criteria Section

Employee Number

Unique number identifying the employee for the report. Click Lookup to display the Employee Lookup page and look up valid employees.


Select the year to report for.


Select the employee's location to report for.


Select the status of the employee to report for.



Teacher Service Records Load Page Fields

Load Criteria Section



School Year

Select the school year to report on.

Number of Days

Minimum number of days for eligibility for substitute teachers. This only displays for the Load Substitute Teachers Load Type.

Hire Date (Prior to)

Cut-off date for hiring. MM/DD/YYYY format.

Termination Date

Cut-off date for termination. MM/DD/YYYY format.

Full Semester <90 Days

Select to indicate that a full semester is less than 90 days. Otherwise leave blank.

Teacher Load Criteria Section

This section only displays for the Load Teachers and Update Leave for Existing Load Types.



Personal Leave

Select any personal leave codes applicable to the load.

Sick Leave

Select the sick leave code applicable to the load.

Selection Criteria Section



Employee Number

Unique number identifying the employee for the load. Click Lookup to display the Employee Lookup page and look up valid employees.

Class Code

Select the employee's class code.

Calendar Type

Select the employee's calendar type.

Pay Code(s)

Select the pay code type.

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