Account Crosswalk
Load Crosswalk
Use the Load Crosswalk option to load the account crosswalk table for the new fiscal year.
On the Budget Administrator page, choose Account Crosswalk.
Choose Load Crosswalk and click Yes.
Print Account Crosswalk
Use the Print option to print the account crosswalk for the new fiscal year. This helps to identify information that requires updating.
In the search criteria, select the Year of the new account crosswalk, then click Search.
Refer to Search Terminology for more information about performing a search.
Choose Print.
Choose to sort records by the New or Old account.
Select the Destination for the file:
Select Screen to save the file in .pdf format.
Select Excel to save the file in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.
Click OK.
Save the file and navigate to the containing folder.
Print the file.
Update Crosswalk
You can now manually update records for the new fiscal year.
In the search criteria, select the Year of the new account crosswalk, then click Search.
To edit a record, double-click the record.
Update the information as required.
Click Accept.
Purge Crosswalk
Use the Purge Crosswalk option to purge records before reloading crosswalk data.
On the Account Crosswalk page, choose Purge Crosswalk.
Select the Purge Year.
Click Accept and then click Yes.
Important Considerations
You cannot delete an account number from the crosswalk. If you do not plan to use an account number in the next fiscal year, it needs to be crosswalked to a valid account number for the next fiscal year.
For example, if you do not plan to use 622900, crosswalk it to 639900, and the account 622900 will not be set up in Budget Preparation when extracted.
The crosswalk is used during the Fiscal Year-End process, when running the Payroll Distribution option, for the Year-End process for Fixed Assets, and more. If the program does not find a number in the crosswalk, it assumes it is still needed and re-adds the number. All records can be purged if required.
After the crosswalk is updated, the Fund Accounting ledgers are ready to go through the Extract Information process. Try to have the crosswalk as updated as possible so that extracted records are accurate. If changes are made after the budget is extracted, then you must take steps to correct the records. Depending on where you are in the process, you may need to update the Crosswalk and Budget Preparation information.