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PCS Staff Report Setup

Baseline Assignments

Before generating the PCS Staff Report, ensure that valid information is entered on the Assignments page.

There are two ways you can specify baseline assignment information:

Specify Baseline Assignment Information For Regular Employees

Regular employees are those employees who do not have a Pending Status of "Add Pending" on the Employee Information page.

  1. On the application start page, select Menu -> Human Resources -> Entry & Processing -> Employee Information (under Employee).

  2. Specify the search criteria and click Find.
    Leave all Search Criteria fields blank, and select only Exclude Pending Employees. Click Find.
    A list of regular employees matching the search criteria appears.

  3. Double-click the relevant employee record.

  4. On the navigation bar, click Personnel Information, and select Assignments.
    The Assignments page displays the teaching roles assigned to the employee.

  5. Add a teaching assignment:

    1. On the navigation bar, click Add new.

    2. Select an Assignment and a School Code.

    3. In the Percent field, specify the percentage of time the employee spends on the assignment.

      For example, specify 100% as 1.00 and 50% as 0.5000.

    4. On the navigation bar, click OK.

      You can add up to 4 assignments per employee.

The next step is to specify PCS Staff Information.

Specify Baseline Assignment Information For Pending Employees

Pending employees are those employees with a Pending Status of Add Pending on the Employee Information page.

  1. On the application start page, select Menu -> Human Resources -> Entry & Processing -> Employee Information (under Employee).

  2. Specify the search criteria and click Find.
    Leave all Search Criteria fields blank, and select only Only List Pending Employees. Click Find.
    A list of pending employees matching the search criteria appears.

  3. Double-click the relevant employee record.

  4. Click Assignments (under Personnel).

  5. Add a teaching assignment:

    1. On the navigation bar, click Add new.

    2. Select an Assignment and a School Code.

    3. In the Percent field, specify the percentage of time the employee spends on the assignment.

      For example, specify 100% as 1.00 and 50% as 0.5000.

    4. On the navigation bar, click OK. If required, you can add additional assignments.

      You can add up to 4 assignments per employee.

  6. Click Finish.

The next step is to specify PCS Staff Information.

State Required Page - PCS Staff Information

Before generating the PCS Staff Report, ensure that valid information is entered in the Excl from PCS field on the South Carolina State Required page.

There are two ways you can specify PCS staff information:

Specify PCS Staff Information For Regular Employees

Regular employees are those employees who do not have a Pending Status of "Add Pending" on the Employee Information page.

  1. On the application start page, select Menu -> Human Resources -> Entry & Processing -> Employee Information (under Employee).

  2. Specify the search criteria and click Find.
    Leave all Search Criteria fields blank, and select only Exclude Pending Employees. Click Find.
    A list of regular employees matching the search criteria appears.

  3. Double-click the relevant employee record.

  4. On the navigation bar, click Payroll Information, and select State Required.

  5. Enter valid information in the Excl from PCS field, and on the navigation bar, click OK.

    Excl from PCS is an optional setting. Enter Y only if you need to exclude the employee from the PCS Staff report.

    If required fields are not completed, you are prompted for valid information. Ensure that you specify valid information in all these fields, and then click OK.

The next step is to create the PCS Staff Report.

Specify PCS Staff Information For Pending Employees

Pending employees are those employees with a Pending Status of Add Pending on the Employee Information page.

  1. On the application start page, select Menu -> Human Resources -> Entry & Processing -> Employee Information (under Employee).

  2. Specify the search criteria and click Find.
    Leave all Search Criteria fields blank, and select only Only List Pending Employees. Click Find.
    A list of pending employees matching the search criteria appears.

  3. Double-click the relevant employee record.

  4. Click SC State Required (under Personnel).

  5. Enter valid information in the Excl from PCS field, and on the navigation bar, click OK.

    Excl from PCS is an optional setting. Enter Y only if you need to exclude the employee from the PCS Staff report.

    If required fields are not completed, you are prompted for valid information. Ensure that you specify valid information in the blank fields, and then click Finish.

  6. On the navigation bar, click Finish.

  7. Click OK.

The next step is to create the PCS Staff Report.

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