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W2 Processing - Create W2 Electronic File

Use this option to create an electronic submission file for W-2 records.

Refer to W2 Processing for more information.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Year End menu, select W2 Processing.

Create the Electronic File

  1. On the W2 Processing page, select Create W2 Electronic File.

  2. The Tax Year field defaults to the Tax Year on the W2 Wizard: W2 Parameters page. Select a different year if required.

  3. Refer to Field Descriptions, enter or select information in the required fields, and then select Accept.

  4. In the Print dialog box, the name of the electronic file depends on the Media Type selected on the W2 Print Controls Page page.

    The Media Type is always D - Disk/Electronic File.

  5. Select OK.
    The Social Security submission file for processing is created. The default file name is w2report.txt.

  6. Select the Destination for the W-2 Edit file:

    • Select File to save the w2edit file in .rpt format.

    • Select Screen to save the w2edit file in .pdf format.

  7. Select OK.
    The W-2 electronic file detail report is created. The default file name is w2edit.rpt.

    The detail report includes Social Security numbers and addresses as well as employees' gross wages, taxable wages, federal withholdings for income, Medicare, and Social Security taxes.

  8. Select the Destination for the W-2 Negative/Zero Amounts error log:

    • Select File to save the error log in .log format.

    • Select Screen to save the error log in .pdf format.

  9. Select OK.
    The W-2 Negative/Zero Amounts error log is created. The default file name is w2med_neg.log.

  10. Save the file and log.

  11. Navigate to the folder containing the file and log.

  12. Inspect the files. Update data if needed.

  13. Repeat these steps until all the required data is included.

Transfer the W-2 file, without opening it, to the Social Security Administration for processing.

Field Descriptions

Electronic File Criteria



Tax Year

The year for which the W-2 is filed.

Federal Tax ID Number

The Employer Information Number (EIN) and the Control Number associated with the file being submitted.

3rd Party Income Tax

The amount of income tax withheld by a third party, such as a sick pay vendor.

Include RS Records

Indicates whether to include supplemental state and local reporting records in the W-2 file.

When this option is selected, the following items display on the W2 Processing - Create W2 Electronic File page:

Create Philadelphia Wage Records Only

Indicates whether to create PA wage records only.

This field displays when Include RS Records is selected.

PA Account Number

The eight-digit account number displayed on coupons.

This field displays when Include RS Records is selected and is a required field.

Resub Indicator

Indicates if the file is being resubmitted.

WFID Number For Resubmit

If the file is being resubmitted, enter the Wage File Identifier (WFID) from the Social Security Administration (SSA) notice.

Employer Type

The employer type associated with the file being submitted. This field corresponds to the Kind of Employer field required in the file.


  • F - Federal Government

  • S - State and Local Governmental Employer

  • T - Tax Exempt Employer

  • Y - State and Local Tax Exempt Employer (Default)

  • N - None Apply

Additional Options

This section displays when Include RS Records is selected.



Employee State Wages/Taxes Included

Indicates which state's employees should be included in the file.

Refer to Neighbor State Employees for more information.

Create State Format

Indicates an additional state's file format to include in the file other than the State on the W2 Wizard: W2 Parameters page.

If you create electronic files for your home state only, leave this field blank.

Select a state if both of these apply:

  • You must submit files to a state authority other than your home state.

  • Your home state or the additional state has a custom format.

Neighbor State Employees

Employers can create W-2 electronic files for their home state and the bordering states where some employees may live and pay state taxes.

Pennsylvania employers can create W2C electronic files for the following state's employees:

  • Maryland (MD)

  • Ohio (OH)

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