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Defined Page 2000 - Employee PSERS Data

Before generating reports, you must enter valid information on the Employee PSERS Data page.

Enter Information For Regular Employees

On the Employee Information page, the Pending Status for a regular employee is blank.

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processing, then from the Employee menu, select Employee Information.

  3. Enter the search criteria, then select Search. Alternatively, you can select Exclude Pending Employees, then select Search.

  4. Select the employee record, then select Accept.

  5. Select Personnel Information, then select Defined Windows.

  6. Select 2000, then select Accept.

  7. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information.

  8. On the navigation bar, select Accept.

Enter Information For Pending Employees

Pending employees require additional information to complete the employee record. On the Employee Information page, the Pending Status on the record displays Add Pending.

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources.

  2. Select Entry & Processing, then from the Employee menu, select Employee Information.

  3. Enter the search criteria, then select Search. Alternatively, you can select Only List Pending Employees, then select Search.

  4. Select the employee record, then select Accept.

  5. Select Employee PSERS Data Screen.

  6. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information.

  7. Select Finish.

  8. On the navigation bar, select Finish.

  9. Select OK.

Field Descriptions



Referencing Report

Database Field

Job Title

Overrides the Job Class on Primary Payrate.

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.ftext1, page_no = “2000”


Specify whether the employee is eligible for PSERS.

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.ftext2, page_no = “2000”

Voting Status

Valid values:

  • Y or blank - Certified

  • N - Not certified

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.ftext3, page_no = “2000”

PT/FT Override

Enter the employee's time code to override the value in the person table.

Valid values:

  • FT - Full-time

  • PT - Part-time

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.ftext4, page_no = “2000”

Wage Override

Overrides the values in the payrate table.

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.ftext5, page_no = “2000”

Contract Mnths

Overrides the calculated value for the employee.

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.ftext6, page_no = “2000”

Contract Days

Overrides the calculated value for hourly and per-diem employees for the contract.

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.ftext7, page_no = “2000”

Contract Begin

Overrides the value in the payrate table.

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.ftext8, page_no = “2000”

Contract End

Overrides the value in the payrate table.

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.ftext9, page_no = “2000”


Enter the Status if other than active.

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.tcode1, page_no = “2000”

BOC Flag

Enter Y if a balance is due at termination.

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.tcode2, page_no = “2000”

Outstand Srvc

Enter Y if the employee still has service to be reported at termination.

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.tcode3, page_no = “2000”


BOC or Oustanding Service end date.

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.tcode4, page_no = “2000”

Hrs/Days Over

Valid values:

  • H - overrides the payrate pay_method and reports hours

  • D - overrides the payrate pay_method and reports days

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.tcode5, page_no = “2000”


Enter the default days or hours based on the override field to be reported.

This will override the normal calculation used for the PSERS report.

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.tcode6, page_no = “2000”

Annual Days

Enter the number of days to report for salaried full-time employees.

The value in the Annual Days field is loaded if Load Annual Days is selected on the PA Retirement - Load Work Information page.

PA Retirement (PSERS)

empuser.tcode7, page_no = “2000”

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