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Setup Summary

The setup steps are summarized here. Make sure all the setup steps are complete before running any load or export to ensure that the correct data is sent to Ohio EMIS.

  1. New security resources were created specifically for EMIS. Add them to the security resource table at System Administration > All > Security > Resources. Then, assign the appropriate EMIS resource to the people who will be working with and processing EMIS data at System Administration > All > Security > User Access. For details, refer to your System Administration manual.

  2. Set up the EMIS profile record at EMIS > All > EMIS Reference Tables > EMIS Assignment Codes.

  3. Set up the EMIS tables. Choose each of the remaining tables in the EMIS Reference Tables list:

    • EMIS Builiding IRN Code

    • EMIS Class Codes

    • EMIS Fund Class Codes

    • EMIS Profile

  4. EMIS reporting requires certain values for fields such as ethnicity, positions, assignments, separation (termination) codes, and educational degree types.

  5. For the EMIS Staff Report, make sure reportable employees have 'Rpt to EMIS' marked as 'Y' on their Ohio State Reports Pages.  Otherwise, the employee will not be loaded into the Staff Report module for reporting.

  6. For the EMIS Staff Report, make sure reportable employees have EMIS positions.
    The collected data has four major functions for EMIS:

    • State and Federal Reporting. Under Ohio law, student, staff, and financial data must be collected, maintained, and then submitted to ODE by the school district. One of the core purposes of EMIS is to facilitate this requirement.

    • Funding and Distribution of Payments. EMIS facilitates the maintenance and communication of finances in order to receive state funding accordingly. EMIS manages complex calculations of funding formulas on behalf of the districts. Information that is reported includes but is not limited to, student demographic attributes, percent of time educated, attendance/absence days, and disability conditions. EMIS aggregates and compiles the data to determine funding.

    • Academic Accountability System. One of EMIS's primary objectives is to ensure academic accountability for students, schools, and districts. The goal is to allow the ODE to collect, analyze, and report data to varying audiences, including policymakers, educators, administrators, and even the general public. This aids in compliance with state law and federal requirements.

    • Generates Statewide and District Reports. At large, the purpose of EMIS is to compile, generate, and file reports as accurately and regularly as possible. These reports are then given to a variety of groups, such as policymakers, educators, administrators, and the general public. Reports are even generated for different stakeholders, including legislators, education organizations, and research. Examples of these reports include accountability reports, the local report card, and the district data profiles (Cupp Report).

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