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Defined page 10000 - EMIS demographic fields

Before generating reports, you must enter valid information on the EMIS Demographic Fields page.

  1. On the start page, select Human Resources

  2. Select Entry & Processing, then from the Employee menu, select Employee Information.  

  3. Enter the Search Criteria and select Search. Alternatively, you can select Exclude Pending Employees and then select Search.
    Refer to Searching for Records for more information.

  4. Select the relevant employee record and select Accept

  5. Select Personnel Information and then select Defined Windows

  6. Select 10000, and then select Accept.

  7. Refer to Field descriptions and enter valid information. 

  8. Select Accept.

Field descriptions



Semester Hrs

The number of hours worked per semester.

Credential ID

The Ohio State Staff ID (Certification ID).

Do Not Delete

Indicates whether to delete the record during the EMIS Staff load process.

Valid values:

  • Y - Do not delete 

  • N - Delete

Lngtrm Illness

The number of days allowed for long-term illness leave.

Employee ID

The EMIS Employee ID.

Early Child Ed

The Early Child Education credential earned.

Include On Rpt

Indicates whether to include the employee in the EMIS report.

Valid values:

  • Y - Include the employee in the report 

  • N - Exclude the employee from the report

Master Teacher

The method by which the employee met the master teacher requirement.

Mstr Tchr Year

The fiscal year during which the employee met the master teacher requirement.

Alt Staff ID

The employee’s alternate or temporary staff ID ("Z" ID).

This ID is not reported to EMIS.

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