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Cautions and Restrictions

  1. Complete all setup steps before running any load or export to ensure that the data sent to the ODE is correct.

  2. Some fields of the EMIS Profile (e.g., Reporting Period, Start Date, End Date) may need to be updated for each EMIS collection. Make sure the profile is up to date before doing any other EMIS processing.

  3. Contractor information is not loaded with the Staff Load process. If you want to add contractor records to the staff maintenance files, you must use add and maintain them manually.

  4. For end-of-fiscal-year reporting, records for the various Statements will need to be entered manually using the financial tables maintenance screens. The Exhibit 1 load does not produce all of the records required for the Exhibit 1 submission.

  5. Check the up-to-date EMIS manual available on the ODE website for EMIS reporting requirements.

The following is a list of links for EMIS documentation for your reference:

Current EMIS Manual

OH Uniform School Accounting System manual

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