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Human Resources Profile - State

Before generating reports, enter valid information on the Human Resources Profile - State page.

  1. On the start page, select System Administration.

  2. Select Administration, then from the Profiles menu, select Human Resources Profile.

  3. Select State Window.

  4. Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields.

  5. Select Accept.

Field Descriptions

The following table lists the fields, descriptions, and reports referencing the fields on the Human Resources Profile - State page.

NY ERS/TRS Information



Referencing Reports

ERS District Location

The five-digit ERS-assigned district location.

Retirement - ERS

TRS District Location

The four-digit TRS-assigned district location.

Retirement - TRS

NY ERS Information



Referencing Reports

Deduction Codes 1 - 4

Deduction codes for ERS deductions and contributions.

Retirement - ERS

Additional Codes 5 - 6

Deduction codes for ERS deductions and contributions.

Retirement - ERS

Deduction Codes 3NC - 4NC

Non-contributing deduction codes for ERS.

Retirement - ERS

Loan Code

Loan deduction codes for ERS.

Retirement - ERS

Arrears Codes

Arrears deduction codes for ERS.

Retirement - ERS

Report Code

The two-digit ERS reporting code.

Retirement - ERS

Tier 5 Deduction Code for OT

The deduction code for tier 5 overtime.

Retirement - ERS

Tier 6 Deduction Code for OT

The deduction code for tier 6 overtime.

Retirement - ERS

NY TRS Information



Referencing Reports

Deduction Codes 1 - 4

Deduction codes for TRS deductions/contributions.

Retirement - TRS

Deduction Codes 3NC - 4NC

Non-contributing deduction codes for TRS.

Retirement - TRS

Voluntary Contribution Codes

Voluntary contribution codes for tier 1 employees.

Retirement - TRS

Additional Codes

Plan contribution codes.

Retirement - TRS

Loan Codes

Loan deduction codes for TRS.

Retirement - TRS

Arrears Codes

Arrears deduction codes for TRS.

Retirement - TRS

Plan Contribution Codes

Plan contribution codes for TRS.

Retirement - TRS

Day Hours

The full-time workday hours for the school district.

Retirement - TRS

Day Rate

The daily substitute hours for the school district.

Retirement - TRS

NY TRS User Defined Table Names



Referencing Reports

Leave Type

The two-character name of the user-defined leave type code table.

Retirement - TRS

Percent Pay

The two-character name of the user-defined percent of part pay table.

Retirement - TRS

Gross Pay

The two-character name of the user-defined gross pay type code table.

Retirement - TRS

Job Class

The two-character name of the user-defined job class table.

Retirement - TRS

NY SIRS Information For Staff Reporting



Referencing Reports

SIRS District Code

The eight-character code assigned to your district by SIRS.

  • NY SIRS Staff Assignment Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Attendance Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Evaluation Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Snapshot Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Tenure Report

Tenure Area User Defined Table

The two-character name of the user-defined table for mapping the employees' department code to a valid state tenure area.

  • NY SIRS Staff Assignment Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Attendance Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Evaluation Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Snapshot Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Tenure Report

Attendance Code User Defined Table

The two-character name of the user-defined table for mapping leave bank codes to a valid state attendance code.

  • NY SIRS Staff Assignment Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Attendance Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Evaluation Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Snapshot Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Tenure Report

User Defined Table for Base Salary Job Classes

The two-character name of the user-defined table to list secondary job classes that should be included in the base salary reported in the SIRS Staff Snapshot report.

  • NY SIRS Staff Assignment Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Attendance Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Evaluation Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Snapshot Report

  • NY SIRS Staff Tenure Report

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