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NE Annual Financial Report

Menu Path

From the Fund Accounting menu, select State. From the State menu, select NE Annual Financial Report.

Submission Period

Annually (October 15th)

Selection Rule

Annual financial information is extracted based on the Crosswalks set up for the selected reporting period.


Use the Setup option to enter fiscal year information and other reference table information required to set up the Annual Financial reporting.

  1. On the start page, choose Menu, then choose Fund Accounting.

  2. Select State, then choose NE Annual Financial Report.

  3. Click Add new and enter valid information in the required fields.

  4. Click Accept.

AFR Location Crosswalk

Use the AFR Location Crosswalk option to map district locations to AFR locations. Location crosswalks are year-specific.

  1. Choose AFR Location Crosswalk.

  2. Specify the search criteria to find the required crosswalks, then click Find.

  3. To add a record, click Add new.

  4. Specify valid information in the required fields and click OK.

  5. You can edit or delete records:

    • To edit a record, double-click the relevant record.

    • To delete a record, click Delete, then click Yes.

AFR Fund Crosswalk

Use the AFR Fund Crosswalk option to map district funds to AFR funds. Fund crosswalks are year-specific.

  1. Choose AFR Fund Crosswalk.

  2. Specify the search criteria to find the required crosswalks, then click Find.

  3. To add a record, click Add new.

  4. Specify valid information in the required fields and click OK.

  5. You can edit or delete records:

    • To edit a record, double-click the relevant record.

    • To delete a record, click Delete, then click Yes.

Copy Year

Use the Copy Year option to copy all profile and crosswalk data from one year to another. This action must be performed when transitioning to a new year of AFR processing.

  1. Choose Copy Year.

  2. Select the Year To Copy and Year To Create. Click OK.

Load Data

  1. Choose Load.

  2. Select the Year.

  3. Click OK.

Maintain Data

You can change loaded data before submitting the report. However, any changes to application information must also be updated in the source data.

  1. On the NE Annual Financial Report page, specify the search criteria to find the required records, then click Find.

  2. To add a record, click Add new.

  3. Specify valid information in the required fields and click OK.

  4. You can edit or delete records:

    • To edit a record, double-click the relevant record.

    • To delete a record, click Delete, then click Yes.

Create File

  1. Choose Reports.

  2. Under Report Type, select Summary or Detail.

  3. Select the Year to be included in the report.

  4. Select Include Accounts with Zero Dollars if required.

  5. Select Exclude Frozen Accounts if required.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Select the Destination for the report:

    • Select File to save the report in .rpt format. In the File Name field, specify a path and file name.

    • Select Screen to save the report in .pdf format.

    • Select Excel to save the report in .xls format. Select the required Excel Options.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Save the file and navigate to the folder containing the report file.

  10. Inspect the file. Update data, if required.

  11. Repeat steps 1 through 10 until all the data is included.

  12. Under Report Type, select AFR File.

  13. Select the Year to be included in the report.

  14. Select Include Accounts with Zero Dollars if required.

  15. Click OK.

  16. In the File Name field, specify a path and file name.

  17. Click OK.

Submit the file by following the state's submission procedure.

Purge Data

You can purge the data for the report when:

  • You want to discard the data for the report completely.

  • You want to change the setup or employee data and load data again.

To purge report data:

  1. Choose Purge.

  2. Select the Year.

  3. Select the Purge Options.

  4. Select Purge Frozen Accounts if required.

  5. Click OK.

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