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Load OASIS Data

  1. On the MO OASIS Report page, select Load.

  2. Select the School Year, Report Month, and Report Period.
    The default School Year and Report Month are retrieved from the Year and Period fields on the Fund Accounting Profile page and decremented by 1. For example, if the Year on the Fund Accounting Profile page is 2023, the default School Year on the MO OASIS Report - Load page is 2022-2023. If the Period on the Fund Accounting Profile page is 5, the default Report Month on the MO OASIS Report - Load page is 4.

  3. Enter the Check Issue Start Date and Check Issue End Date.
    The default Check Issue Start Date and Check Issue End Date are based on the default School Year and Report Month. For example, if the School Year is 2022-2023 and the Report Month is 4, the Check Issue Start Date is 10/1/2022, and the Check Issue End Date is 10/31/2022. The fiscal year is followed, and Report Month 4 corresponds to October, not April.

  4. Select District Final Pay and Load Annual Salaries, if required.

  5. Select the Pay Runs to Exclude.

  6. Select Load, and then Yes.

  7. If data for the selected criteria is loaded, select Yes to delete and reload the data.

  8. If errors are encountered, an error log is created. Save the error log. If no errors are encountered, proceed to the next step.

  9. Save the Load Summary report and select OK.

  10. Navigate to the folder containing the files.

  11. Inspect the files. Update data if needed.

  12. Repeat these steps until no errors are encountered and all required data is loaded.

The default file names are:

  • Error log:
    MO OASIS Report_Load_Error_Log_<MMDDYYYY>_<hhmmss>.pdf

  • Summary report:
    MO OASIS_Load Summary Report_<MMDDYYYY>_<hhmmss>.pdf

Career Ladder Pay Codes

The load process checks if the Career Ladder option on the Pay Codes page is selected.

If Career Ladder pay codes are combined with regular pay codes in the same check, the check is ignored, and an error message is displayed on the Load Summary report.

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