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Upload Development

Use the Upload Development option to upload professional development days from a comma-delimited file to the Employee Defined Page 501 – New Teacher Professional Development page.

The file must contain the following fields:

Field Name

Maximum Length


Employee Number



Professional Development Category


Categories 1 through 9 are accepted. However, only categories 1 and 2 are currently being reported to REP. 

Number of Days

5 including decimal

Format is 99.99

Upload File

  1. Choose Upload Development.

  2. Click Choose File.

  3. Navigate to the file location and select the file.

  4. Click Open.

  5. Select Clear Existing Teacher Development Days if required.

  6. Click Load.

For Clear Existing Teacher Development Days

  • If selected, then, before updating the data from the Development file, the process sets all professional development days to zero for all employees. This allows you to clear the professional development days from the prior year before reporting the data for the current year.

  • If not selected, the days in the Development file are added to any existing days.

For each employee whose employee number is in the Development file, the system finds the employee's record and adds the number of days from the Development file to the existing professional development days in the appropriate category.

For each category, the corresponding field on the Employee Defined Page 501 – New Teacher Professional Development page is updated. For example, for category 1, empuser.ftext1 is updated. For category 2, empuser.ftext2 is updated, and so on.

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