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Assignment Information

The following table outlines the Michigan field names and the assignment information's location.

Data Item

Field Name



Employee Number

Employee Number

Employee number.

Not reported to Registry of Educational Personnel (REP).


Date of Count

Date of Count

The due date for submission of the REP data.

Entered in the Submission Date field while loading data.

School/Facility Code


The state-assigned number in the Educational Entity Master (EEM) for the school where the employee is assigned.




The state-assigned five-character code identifying the position assignment of the employee. 

The primary assignment should be listed first if multiple assignments are being reported for one individual.




The full-time equivalency (FTE) of an employee being employed in this district. This refers to the amount of time required to perform an assignment stated as a proportion of a full-time position. The FTE is computed by dividing the time employed by the time normally required for a full-time position. The FTE submitted should be determined by district policy and contracts within the district.

assignment. Perc_time

Hourly Wage


The hourly wage based on contractual agreements, hours per workday, and the number of days per contractual school year.

  • For pay rate pay method H or S (hourly or hourly schedule):

wage = pay rate

  • For pay rate method D:

wage = pay rate / hours per day 

  • For pay rate pay method P:

wage = docking rate / (hours per day)

  • For pay rate pay method R:

If an R type employee has pay rate hours per day = 0 or 1: 

wage = docking rate / MEIS hours per day.

If an R type employee has pay rate hours per day <> 0 or 1:

wage = docking rate / hours per day (from pay rate)

Accounting/Function Code

Account Code

Three-character state-assigned accounting code for each position in a given school district. 

The Michigan Public School Accounting Manual (Bulletin 1022) serves as a mandatory guide to the uniform classification and recording accounting transactions for public school districts in Michigan.

assignment. Acct_code (if it exists)


The system uses the employee’s primary pay rate and distribution record with the largest percent associated with the primary rate. Using this organization code, the system looks for the level requested during the load process in the organization table and uses this code as the default. Exceptions must be updated manually.

Current Grade Assignment: Developmental Kindergarten

Developmental -Kindergarten

Enter 1 if the employee works in Developmental Kindergarten (Young Fives, Early Fives, Jump Start,
Begindergarten, etc.)


Current Grade Assignment: Kindergarten


Enter 1 if the employee works in Kindergarten.


Current Grade Assignment: First Grade

1st Grade

Enter 1 if the employee works in First Grade.


Current Grade Assignment: Second Grade

2nd Grade

Enter 1 if the employee works in Second Grade.


Current Grade Assignment: Third Grade

3rd Grade

Enter 1 if the employee works in Third Grade.


Current Grade Assignment: Fourth Grade

4th Grade

Enter 1 if the employee works in Fourth Grade.


Current Grade Assignment: Fifth Grade

5th Grade

Enter 1 if the employee works in Fifth Grade.


Current Grade Assignment: Sixth Grade

6th Grade

Enter 1 if the employee works in Sixth Grade.


Current Grade Assignment: Seventh Grade

7th Grade

Enter 1 if the employee works in Seventh Grade.


Current Grade Assignment: Eighth Grade

8th Grade

Enter 1 if the employee works in Eighth Grade.


Current Grade Assignment: Ninth Grade

9th Grade

Enter 1 if the employee works in Ninth Grade.


Current Grade Assignment: Tenth Grade

10th Grade

Enter 1 if the employee works in Tenth Grade.


Current Grade Assignment: Eleventh Grade

11th Grade

Enter 1 if the employee works in Eleventh Grade.


Current Grade Assignment: Twelfth Grade

12th Grade

Enter 1 if the employee works in Twelfth Grade.


Educational Setting: Alternative Education

Alternative Education

Enter 1 if the special education employee primarily serves Alternative Education.


Educational Setting: Special Education

Special Education

The age group served by the special education employee.

Valid values:


 0 – 2 years of age


 3 – 5 years of age


 6 – 21 years of age


 22 – 26 years of age

If assignment. Grade14 = “Y”, 1

If assignment. Grade15 = “Y”, “2”

If assignment. Grade16 = “Y”, “3”

If assignment. Grade17 = “Y”, “4”

Educational Setting: Adult Education

Adult Education

Enter 1 if the special education employee primarily serves Adult Education.


Educational Setting: Early Childhood and/or Parenting Programs

Early Childhood/Parenting

Enter 1 if the special education employee primarily serves Early Childhood and/or Parenting Programs.


Educational Setting: Career/Technical Education

Career/Technical Education

Enter 1 if the special education employee primarily serves Career/ Technical Education.


Educational Setting: State Agency

State Agency

Enter 1 if the special education employee primarily serves a State Agency.


Educational Setting: Early On/Early Intervention

Early On/Early Intervention

Enter 1 if the special education employee primarily serves Early On/ Early Intervention (Part C of IDEA).


Educational Setting: Administrative or Support Staff, ESL, Bilingual Education, or Migrant Education


Valid values:


Administrative or Support Staff (all levels)


English as a Second Language – Other


Bilingual Education/ELL – Other


English as a Second Language – Title III Only


Bilingual Education/ELL – Title III


Bilingual Education/ELL – Section 41


Migrant Education Program


Migrant Education Program – Summer only


Highly Qualified Status

Highly Qualified Reason

For each assignment required to be submitted for Highly Qualified status, enter 1 (yes) in this position if the employee meets the Highly Qualified requirement. If an employee does not meet the definition for Highly Qualified, enter 2 (no) in this position. For any assignment codes that are not required to be submitted for Highly Qualified status, enter 0 (not applicable) in this position.

Look up assignment. Hqreason in the mi_rep_hq table and load the meis_hq_reason if it is found, otherwise load assignment. Hqreason[1,2]

Academic Major

Academic Major

For employees assigned to core academic assignment codes, enter 1 (yes) in this field if the employee holds an academic major, coursework equivalent to an undergraduate academic major, a graduate degree, or advanced certification or credentialing for the assignment in this repetition of Field 10. Enter 2 (no) in this position if the employee does not have the required major or equivalency for this assignment. For non-core academic assignment codes that are not required to be submitted for Highly Qualified status, enter 0 (not applicable) in this position.


Academic Minor

Academic Minor

For employees assigned to core academic assignment codes, enter 1 (yes) in this position if the employee holds an academic minor or coursework equivalent to an undergraduate academic minor for the assignment in this repetition of Field 10. Enter 2 (no) in this position if the employee does not have the required minor or equivalency for this assignment. For non-core academic assignment codes that are not required to be submitted for Highly Qualified status, enter 0 (not applicable) in this position.


Administrator Continuing Education

Admin Continuing Education

For administrative assignment codes, enter 1 (yes) if the district/building administrator has met the continuing education requirement to be eligible for employment. Enter 2 (no) if the administrator has failed to meet the continuing education requirement. For assignment codes that are not required to be submitted for administrator continuing education, enter 0 (not applicable) in this position.


Number of Core Academic Classes Taught

Number of Classes

For employees with core academic assignment codes, report the number of core academic classes taught (1 through 9). For non-core academic assignment codes, enter a value of 0 through 9. Reporting of the number of classes taught is optional for non-core academic assignment codes. For all other assignment codes, enter 0 (not applicable) for this position.


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