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Human Resources Profile - State Page

Before generating reports, ensure that you enter valid information on the Human Resources Profile - State page.

When you create the electronic report file, information about employees who are reported is populated.

Human Resources Profile - State Information

  1. On the application start page, select Menu, then System Administration, then Administration, and choose Human Resources Profile (under Profiles). 

  2. On the navigation bar, click State Window

  3. Refer to Human Resources Profile - State Page#Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields. 

  4. On the navigation barclick OK.

Field Descriptions

The following fields have special considerations:



Contact Name

Transmitter contact name. The limit is 20 characters.

Contact Phone

Ten-digit phone number for the transmitter contact.

Contact Phone Extension

Four-digit extension for the transmitter contact's phone number.

Unemployment Insurance Account

Account number for the state unemployment insurance. The limit is 15 characters.

Submission Unit Number

Number identifying the submission unit. The limit is seven characters.

Employer PERF Account Number

Code identifying the employer PERF (Public Employees' Retirement Fund) account. The limit is seven characters.

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