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March 2024 Release - 20.11.68, 22.4.30, 23.10.5

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:




The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


IL Employment Information System Maintenance Changes for Employees with the Same Position at Multiple Locations

Changes have been made to validations on the IL Employment Information Maintenance screen. Now, when an employee has the same position at multiple locations, and those locations have different Employer RCDTS codes, the validation of Location Workload and Percent of Full Time will happen for the locations with a matching Employer RCDTS code. The error messages for Location Workload have been modified to include the Employer RCDTS to provide more clarity.

The validation when running the employment report has changed in the same way. This will allow the Electronic File to include these employees with the data entered as required. The error log has been enhanced to include a clear message indicating errors preventing an employee position from being output to the electronic file.

The validation when running the import has also changed in the same way.


IL IMRF Pay Period Report Enhancements

Illinois IMRF reporting was enhanced to incorporate the following items:

  • Non-exempt, non-cash payments are now included in the reportable wages.

  • In the Setup - Retirement Deductions, a new Deduction Type, IMRF Code - Employer Paid, is now available to report employer-paid benefits as member contributions.

  • If both overtime and regular wages are zero, the checks will be ignored. If either one is present, the check is included in the loaded data. This corrects the overtime payments failing to load into the IMRF pay period report.

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