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February 11, 2022 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-71159IL SSP Load Retirement modifications

The key difference between DB and SSP records:

The SSP records differ from the Defined Benefit Plan records. For the Defined Benefit Plans, deduction and contribution amounts are split over different pay types so that the pay type creates unique records for an employee and the pay period/check issue date. For SSP Plans, the contribution category of the deduction creates unique records for an employee and pay period/check issue date. This means the load functions differently for the two different record types.

SSP (DC) records compared to DB records:

Fields NOT required for SSP (DC) records compared to the DB records include: payment reason, deferred, earnings, excess earnings, docked days, sick leave, days paid, post-retirement hours, balanced calendar, email address, and some other demographic information. Employer-defined contribution IS required for the DC records but not for the DB records.

Payment reason is NOT required for the DC record. However, unlike the Defined Benefit report, an employee can have more than one Contribution Category. For the DB report, Contribution Category means the ‘Tier’ to which the employee belongs in the retirement system, depending upon their date of hire. So, an employee is only in ONE contribution category for their DB records.

For the DC report, the Contribution Category means the type of deduction being used. There are six types.

03 = SSP
04 = SSP Catch-Up
05 = SSP Special Catch-Up
06 = Roth SSP
07 = Roth SSP Catch-Up
08 = Roth SSP Special Catch-Up

An employee can have more than one SSP contribution type and can have several records distinct by contribution category.

The change will be included in version 5.2 in the March 2022 release (

EFIN-74513IL TRS - Extra Duty Pay Days Worked

Corrected the Illinois TRS Gemini load to ensure Extra Duty pay is reported with zero days worked. 

The change will be included in version 5.2 in the March 2022 release (

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