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Human Resources Profile – State

Before generating reports, ensure that you enter valid information on the Human Resources Profile - State page.

  1. On the application start page, choose Menu, then choose System Administration.

  2. Click Administration, then choose Human Resources Profile (under Profiles).

  3. Select State Window.

  4. Refer to Human Resources Profile – State Page#Field Descriptions and enter valid information in the required fields.

  5. Click OK.

Field Descriptions



Referencing Reports

Database Field

IPERS Employer ID

The Iowa PERS employer's identification number

IPERS Monthly Retirement report


State Identification

State Identification Number

IPERS Monthly Retirement report


Federal Employer ID

Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)

New Hire report


SUI Employer Account

The 10-digit State Unemployment Insurance account number assigned by Iowa Workforce Development

The SUI Employer Account number is retrieved from the IA Quarterly Wage Report - Setup - Employer page.


Non-Workforce Code

Home department code which is not included in IA Workforce (for example,
COOPSTD for coop student)

Quarterly Wage report


Iowa Suffix to FEIN

Three-digit suffix to the Federal Employer ID Number

New Hire report


State W2/1099 Account Number

The 12-digit Iowa Withholding Permit Number assigned by the Iowa Department of Revenue.

W-2 filing


State W2/1099 BEN

Business eFile Number assigned by the Iowa Department of Revenue

W-2 filing


State Agency Code

The five-digit employer ID assigned to state agencies is only required for the State of Iowa or Centralized Payroll. All other employers should use blank spaces.

IPERS Monthly Retirement report


Quarterly Wage Location Table

Identifies the reference table used to cross-reference the employee's location on the information screen with the corresponding state code

Quarterly Wage report


Use Last Day Worked

Do not select this option if you want to use the last day to pay.

IPERS Monthly Retirement report


403(b) Elective Deferral

403(b) retirement deduction elective deferral code

IPERS Monthly Retirement report


403(b) Catch-up

403(b) retirement deduction catch-up code

IPERS Monthly Retirement report


403(b) 15-years' service

403(b) retirement deduction 15-years service code

IPERS Monthly Retirement report


457(b) Elective Deferral

457(b) retirement deduction elective deferral code

IPERS Monthly Retirement report


457(b) Catch-up

457(b) retirement deduction catch-up code

IPERS Monthly Retirement report


457(b) 15-years' service

457(b) retirement deduction 15-years service code

IPERS Monthly Retirement report


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