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Employee Information - Assignments

Specify Baseline Assignment Information for Regular Employees

Regular employees do not have a Pending Status of Add Pending on the Employee Information page.

  1. On the application start page, choose Human Resources.

  2. Click Entry & Processing, then choose Employee Information (under Employee).

  3. Specify the search criteria and click Search.
    Alternatively, you can select Exclude Pending Employees, then click Search.

  4. Double-click the relevant employee record.

  5. Click Personnel Information, then select Assignments.

  6. Click Add new. Refer to Employee Information - Assignments#Field Descriptions and enter the required information.

  7. Click Accept.

    You can add up to 4 assignments per employee.

Specify Baseline Assignment Information for Pending Employees

Pending employees have a Pending Status of Add Pending on the Employee Information page.

  1. On the application start page, choose Human Resources.

  2. Click Entry & Processing, then choose Employee Information (under Employee).

  3. Specify the search criteria and click Search.
    Alternatively, you can select Only List Pending Employees, then click Search.

  4. Double-click the relevant employee record.

  5. Click Assignments (under Personnel).

  6. On the navigation bar, click Add new. Refer to Employee Information - Assignments#Field Descriptions and enter the required information.

  7. Click Accept.

  8. Click Finish.

    You can add up to 4 assignments per employee.

Field Descriptions

The following fields have special considerations:

Field Name




Position code defined by the state

Not used for LEAPS Staff report, but is mandatory for the Assignments page.


Full-Time Equivalent

Indicates the percent of time spent on the assignment as a decimal value.

For example, enter 1 to indicate a full-time employee who spends 100% of their total working hours on an assignment. Enter 0.5 to indicate a part-time employee who spends 50% of their total working hours on an assignment.

Used for LEAPS Staff report


Personnel location

Not used for LEAPS Staff report, but is mandatory for the Assignments page.

Job Class

Job class for the assignment.

Used for differentiating pay rates.

Not used for LEAPS Staff report, but is mandatory for the Assignments page.

Assigned School

State code of the personnel location.

The value is fetched automatically and is editable.

Used for LEAPS Staff report

Hours Per Day

Indicates the percent of working hours spent per day on the assignment as a decimal value.

For example, enter 1 to indicate an employee who spends 100% of their working hours per day on an assignment. Enter 0.5 to indicate an employee who spends 50% of their working hours per day on an assignment.

Used for LEAPS Staff report

Insurance Category

Valid values:

1 - Tier 1

2 - Tier 2

Used for LEAPS Staff report

Contract Length

Indicates the length of the employee's contract as a whole number value.

Used for LEAPS Staff report


Tenure status

Valid values:

  • 0 - New

  • 1 - 1 to 3 years

  • 2 - 3+ years

Used for LEAPS Staff report

Position Start Date

Date when the employee started the assignment.

Not used for LEAPS Staff report, but can be used for record-keeping.

Position End Date

Date when the employee finished the assignment.

Not used for LEAPS Staff report, but can be used for record-keeping.

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