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January 08, 2021 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 19.4

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-35250VMERS DC retirement report - Show Employee Full name in Load Summary Report

Employees's Full Name including First Name Last Name Middle Name is now displayed in Load summary report
The Last Name was not displaying earlier. This has been addressed. Middle Name is usually optional. If not available, then only the first name and last name will be displayed.

EFIN-42895Vermont Quarterly Wage Electronic File  - Taxable / Reimbursable Options

The Report Screen for Vermont Quarterly Wage report was enhanced to give radio button options to select taxable/reimbursable options while generating an electronic file.

If reimbursable is selected, only the Total Wages gets printed in the electronic file(contribution file) and the other fields like Excess Wages, Taxable Wages, Unemployment Contribution Amount Due and Total amount due VDOL for reporting quarter(if negative) will be made 0 amounts.

If taxable is checked, all the fields get printed as it is now in the electronic file(contribution file), Total Wages, Excess Wages, Taxable Wages, Unemployment Contribution Amount Due and Total amount due VDOL for reporting quarter(if negative) will be printed as it is printing now.

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