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August 13, 2021 Release

Resolved Issue

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 20.11

The following issue has been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-63744VT VSTRS Report -Contract Salary and Gross Earning Calculations Fixed

Fixed the Vermont VSTRS Calculations for Contract Salary and Gross Earnings. Summary of fixes detailed:

  • Contract Salary - The application fetches all Active Pay Rates if the Pay Start & End Dates fall in the selected reporting period Year range and the Pay Code has no VSTRS deduction exemption. The application will also consider Inactive & Terminated Pay Rates if the Pay Start & End Dates fall in the selected reporting period year range and the Pay Code has no VSTRS deduction exemption.
  • Gross Earnings - Deductions are considered from checks instead of detailed distribution so that zero amount check deductions are not missed while exempting.
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