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Deduction Types Overview

Deduction types are already pre-populated.

After setting up deduction codes, you must associate them with a deduction type.

You can assign deduction types on the VA State Reporting - Deductions page of the following reports:

The following table describes the deduction types:

Deduction Type


R - Retirement Code

Assign this deduction type to retirement deductions.

G - Group Life Code

This deduction type can be used for Group Life deductions.

O - Optional Life Code

Assign this deduction type to Optional Life employee, spouse, and child deductions.

H - Health Insurance Code

This deduction type can be used for health insurance deductions.

B - Buyback Code

Assign this deduction type to buyback deductions.

U - Unemployment Insurance Code

This deduction type can be used for unemployment insurance deductions.

D – Hybrid Defined Benefit Employee

Assign this deduction type to Hybrid employee-defined benefits.

E – Hybrid Mandatory Defined Contribution Employee

Assign this deduction type to Hybrid mandatory employee-defined contributions.

F – Hybrid Mandatory Defined Contribution Employer

Assign this deduction type to Hybrid mandatory employer-defined contributions.

V – Hybrid Voluntary Defined Contribution Employee

Assign this deduction type to Hybrid voluntary employee-defined contributions.

M – Hybrid Defined Contribution Employer Match

Assign this deduction type to Hybrid defined employer match contributions.

C – Hybrid Defined Benefit Employer Contribution

Assign this deduction type to Hybrid defined benefit employer contributions.

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