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October 29, 2021 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-44436TX TEAM Days or Hours Loaded for employee with Last Day Worked in prior month

In the Texas TEAM Load, days and hours should not be loading for an employee who is no longer working, based on their last day worked field. Employees with last day worked in prior month were loading with hours and days.

This has been corrected.

EFIN-49552TX TEAM reporting of changed SSN

We have reviewed an issue with the Social Security number for an employee being saved and propagated throughout the records associated with a Texas TEAM demographic record update. Saving the demographic record while still on the screen will now propagate the data throughout the associated records.

EFIN-53521TX Update Years of Service security

We have added security resource 10359 to the Texas Update Years of Service option. Users of the software who have this new resource, or are supervisors for security, may access and run this option.

EFIN-64594TX TEAM No Valid Position (ED40/45 record) message

We have corrected the problem with Texas TEAM Payroll Maintenance indicating there is no valid position (ED40 or ED45 record) for a particular position. This issue occurred when an RP25 correction record was being submitted in a subsequent month for a previous month, and there were no position contract dates that covered the date being adjusted. The software will now allow the user to save the record, while being alerted by a message that there was no valid position at that time.

EFIN-66129TX Unique ID employee selection

We have modified the Texas Unique ID selection criteria to NOT require a pay rate be entered for an employee in order for that employee to be selected for inclusion on this report.

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