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May 2023 Major Release - 19.4.77, 20.11.58, 22.4.20

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:


The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-91268Loading TEAM for Prior Year After Fiscal Year EndThe TEAM load will use the Human Resources Profile Fiscal Year as an override while identifying if the pay is federally funded. This allows the TEAM load to calculate federal gross and contributions for the prior year after the fiscal year-end process has begun. The fiscal year-end process must not be fully completed or closed until the TEAM charges have been created and interfaced with period 13.
EFIN-95852Zero worked days issue in TX TEAM ReportThe zero worked days are loaded for an employee’s TEAM positions. This issue has affected the employees with the secondary positions without a pay rate and a delete code ED45 followed by many ED40 records.
EFIN-99035Correct TEAM Termination Recalculation for Employees With No Stat Min ContributionThe stat min recalculation for terminated employees will correctly set the adjusted stat min for employees with no contribution for the final month. Previously, the adjusted stat min was set to match the TRS Eligible Gross.
EFIN-99036Corrected Texas TEAM Clear action to prevent the field labels from being clearedThe Clear action used to clear the saved search criteria in the TX TEAM Report options to maintain the demographics, position, payroll, and retirement records is corrected to not clear the field labels.
EFIN-99196Changes to allow only whitelist characters for TEAMs employee name fields

The following changes are made to the TX TEAM program for validating the employee name:

  • The TEAM Load process removes the special characters and records a message in the error log for non-English characters.
  • While adding or modifying the ED20/ED25 record, if the employee name field contains special characters, an error message  "Field name can only contain alphabetic letters, spaces, hyphens, or apostrophes." is displayed.

EFIN-99236New menu option for Data Exchange (Ed-Fi) for Financial InformationA new PEIMS - All - Data Exchange (ED-Fi) - Financial Information menu option has been added to allow districts to load the financial data to be reported to Ed-Fi and generate reports. Some configurations must be completed for Data Exchange and data replication to use this option for Ed-Fi reporting. These configurations are completed when a district is selected to participate in the beta testing or parallel year processing.
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