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March 2024 Release - 20.11.68, 22.4.30, 23.10.5

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:




The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


TX Unique ID Report Fatal Error Prevented

An unexpected data condition where the employee race data has duplicated index values caused a fatal error when running the TX Unique ID Report. This issue has been corrected to prevent fatal errors.


Added safeguards to prevent fatal errors and duplicate ER20 records in TEAM

Extra checks are now added to prevent the TEAM load from generating ER20 records with the same key field values.
The ER record maintenance page is also modified to prevent a fatal error when these duplicate records exist. If a duplicate is found and selected, the user will be prompted whether they want to delete duplicate records, leaving only one record. If they choose not to delete them, all duplicates will remain but will not be maintainable.


DEX District Settings Table creation

Creating tables for DEX District Settings has now been moved to enable the installer to identify and execute them in the catalog database. The tables include:

  • dex_district_settings

  • dex_district_profile_mapping


DEX District Settings - Error while viewing Information

Corrected an error that was interfering with the rendering of DEX District settings
Also, the District ID field label was renamed to District ID GUID.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.