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June 2023 Release - 19.4.78, 20.11.59, 22.4.21

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:




The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


Texas TEAM Charging Updated for Corrections

The TEAM Charging process has been corrected for charging RP25 records. This ensures that the corrections to the contribution amounts needed to be charged are only distributed across TEAM Salary Distribution records marked as updated. This will ensure that the correct funds are charged when only specific salary records are changed.


RP20 record was generated for a previous position

A non-pay rate position is not ended in the load when the TEAM Position record was an ED45 in the prior month.  This issue has been fixed to prevent creating blank RP20 records for the unused position.


Added the ability to create the Auditware file format in the Auditors File menu option

While reporting the auditors file through Auditware, the file format requires leading zeros for the amount fields. A new Auditware Format field is is added to the report criteria and if selected, the leading zeros will be included in the amount fields in the file.


Data Exchange (Ed-Fi) Financial Information Shared Service Agreements

The PEIMS - All - Personnel- Contracted Instructional Staff and PEIMS - All - Financial - Shared Service Arrangements - Actual (033) menu options are modified to save any data updates to the Ed-Fi tables in addition to the existing PEIMS tables. The data in the pem_055 table will match the data in the tx_staff_fte table for Ed-Fi, and the data in the pem_033 table will match the data in the tx_shared_service table for Ed-Fi.

This change does not apply to version

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