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June 11, 2021 Release

Resolved Issue

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 5.2
  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11

The following issue has been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-28260TX - Mid-Month Status Changes for Statutory Minimum Calculations

TX TEAM Stat Min Calculation Updates
Mid-Month Hire
The changes made for mid-month hires let the TEAM load adjust the first month's Stat Min Salary to calculate so the correct Stat Min contribution will be paid for that employee.
To identify employees who have been hired late in the month, we look to the State Required screen for a non-whole number (e.g., 8.5) in the '# Months Paid' field. This should match the number of months which the employee will be paid in their shortened contract period. When the TEAM load identifies the employee as a mid-month hire, it will use the number of checks that the employee was issued in the pay runs provided in the load. The number of checks issued is then compared to the standard number of pay runs for that pay frequency, also provided in the load criteria. This fraction of checks issued to checks expected is then applied to the employee's Stat Min salary for the month, so we have the correct Adjusted Stat Min value to compare their Stat Min applicable salary.
Early Contract Terminations
We have a new process for closing the contract for employees who end their contracts before the initial expected date.
This new process recalculates the total owed Stat Min contribution for the employee over their contract and compares it to the total contribution that has been paid so far. The final payroll record reported for that employee will balance the total owed contribution for the contract.
To correctly calculate this owed amount, we require extra information from the employee's contract to be stored before the adjusted values from changing the contract end date. - the employee's original contract days worked. You must enter the data in the 'Days Worked' field on the employee's State Required II (32001) page. This will be used to determine if any of the employee's monthly Stat Min owed needs to be adjusted during recalculation due to federal funds paid.
The load page has also been modified to include a selection between 'Issue Date' or 'Transaction Date.' This is to mark whether the employee's contract's pay start date will be on or before the check issue or transaction date. This is used to load the correct wages if the employee had an overlap between their current and previous contract, which reported wages in the same month.

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