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July 2022 Major Release -

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11
  • Version 22.4 

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-83189TX TEAM Report - Load Log

A warning message for an incorrect number of contract months is modified to specify the number of months in the message on the Texas TEAM Report Load Log.

EFIN-83594Batch Accounts Payable - Update disbursement fund and fund for period 13

The Budget Preparation module’s Budget Administrator Organization Crosswalk is currently used to update the disbursement fund while processing period 13 for the previous year’s payables for Texas. The previous year’s fund will be searched for in the old organization records to find the corresponding new year fund.

If the crosswalk or the fund is missing in the organization chart, the payable will not post an error indicating missing fund records in the crosswalk for payables. 

When release and post are executed for multiple records, the posting results page will provide details of the period 13 records that could be properly crosswalked and posted and the records that require corrections in the setup tables to continue posting.
Once the fund is added correctly in the crosswalk for the payables listed with errors, the user must release and post again for the appropriate control number to continue posting the records that couldn’t be posted previously.

Salesforce customer tickets resolved:

  • 05829538
  • 05833786
  • 05829538
  • 05795806
  • 05737661
  • 05815686
EFIN-83931Texas Quarterly Unemployment Report (TWC) - Corrected missing pay run counts 

The Texas Quarterly Unemployment Report (TWC) is modified to include employees in the monthly counts when the pay run transaction date is of a previous year, but the check issue date is within the current quarter.

Salesforce case: 06226324

EFIN-84028TX TEAM Reports - Create ED45 to extend contract dates rather than creating a new ED40

An ED45 can now be created in scenarios where the contract dates overlap with an existing on-the-fly ED40 to extend the record instead of creating a new ED40. The Actual Hours Upload is also adjusted to prioritize using the hire date as the start date while creating on-the-fly ED40s.

EFIN-85784TX TEAM - Creation of on-the-fly ED40 records for rehired employees

The application is modified to create on-the-fly ED40 records for previously terminated employees with hours in the hours' upload file.

Salesforce Case: 06424887

EFIN-85834TX TEAM - Removed Prior month Docking calculation for Terminated Employee

The functionality to add applicable statutory minimum wages to the next month after a month of excess docking beyond statutory minimum salary is removed from the TEAM Load due to over-reporting of the wage amounts. Working with TRS for clarification currently.

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