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January 2025 Release - 22.4.40, 23.10.15

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:



The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


Correct Alignment and Printing Issues of TEAM Error Log

In Human Resources > TX TEAM Report > Load TEAM Records, the header alignments in the PDF error log of the TEAM load are now corrected to properly space labels.

The Excel error log has also been fixed to print the calendar override errors correctly.


Texas - Enhancements to Data Exchange (Ed-Fi) - Staff Information update functionality

Menu Path: PEIMS > Data Exchange (Ed-Fi) > Staff Information

Staff Information was recently enhanced in a prior software release to allow users to have proper security resources assigned to update employee records. We have made further enhancements by adding date fields and allowing users to manually enter dates to the payroll activity and staff responsibility records as needed. Note that the load will not populate these dates at this time.

The PEIMS > Data Exchange (Ed-Fi) > DEX Financial Audit Report has also been updated to include the tx_staff, tx_staff_employment, tx_payroll, and tea_responsibilities tables and the fields within them that can be updated. The last table combines the tx_staff_assignment and tx_staff_service tables in a more user-friendly format.


TX - Correct the doubling of the Pay Amount in Ed-Fi Staff Information Load for individual employees

Menu Path: PEIMS > All > Data Exchange (Ed-Fi) > Staff Information > Load

If you loaded data again by selecting one or more employee numbers for the criteria after employees were previously loaded, the Pay Amount value on the Payroll Accounting tab was increased by the original record's pay amount. This issue has been resolved, and the full payroll accounting record will be replaced during the subsequent load processes.


Add SPED Student Age Range to record key for TEA Staff Responsibilities

Recently, we added a new field labeled SPED Student Age Range to the Staff Responsibility records after TEA updated them for the new year. This field is also part of the record key, as certain paraprofessionals may serve multiple student age ranges while having the same role, campus, service ID, and population. We have corrected this by allowing the records to be updated accordingly and adding this field to the search criteria and the display array where applicable. Due to time constraints, the ability to add multiple records with different student age ranges is not currently available for staff responsibilities imports. However, this functionality will be available soon.


Resolve Fatal Error When Adding Foreign Key to tx_staff_service Table

A fatal error in the database upgrade, which occurred when attempting to add a foreign key to the tx_staff_service table, has been resolved.


TX - PEIMS - correct the display in the Campus dropdown field in the Contracted Instructional Staff

When selecting a Campus ID defined in the PEIMS Campus reference table as less than nine digits in PEIMS > All > Personnel > Contracted Instructional Staff, the record would appear to update without an issue. However, upon exiting the Contracted Instructional Staff page and re-entering the page, the Campus ID would not display. This was because the campus ID per the state is supposed to be nine digits, and the program expected all of the digits to format and display it correctly. The program has been modified to display the Campus ID on this page regardless of the length, with no formatting applied. No changes were made to require the nine digits since customers have existing data of less than 9 digits in the Campus table.

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