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January 2023 Minor Release - 19.4.70, 20.11.51, 22.4.13

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:


The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-94386Prevent the TEAM Load New Hire option from calculating child nutrition and correct error messages for New Hire Team Load Log ReportUsing the Load New Hire option in the TEAM Load has been modified to prevent the child nutrition calculation from processing because it was causing the values to double. The error messages printed on the log report are also modified to state, "INCLUDED: ……, VERIFY IF PAID IN REPORT PERIOD," if there is an error while running the new hire TEAM load and, "INCLUDED: ……, BUT RECEIVED PAY IN REPORT PERIOD." if there is an error while running the regular TEAM load.
EFIN-94992Corrected fatal error received in TEAM Actual Hours UpoadA fatal error stating, "Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo. tx_team_pos' with unique index 'tx_team_pos_x2'." occurred while uploading dates for multiple months in the same file using the TEAM Actual Hours Upload. This issue is now corrected.
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