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August 2022 Major Release -

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11
  • Version 22.4 

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-75791TX Created NEW TEA Staff Responsibilities Option in Employee Information

The new option ‘TEA Staff Responsibilities’ is added to the Employee Information Actions menu. This application will allow users to maintain the staff responsibilities previously held in the PEIMS Personnel maintenance tables. In addition to the fields that were maintained through PEIMS, the fields for Begin Date and End Date will be necessary for EdFi reporting in the future.

New tables tx_staff_assignment and tx_staff_service are created to hold information used for TEA Staff Responsibilities, which will deprecate the pem_090 table.

The database update script will migrate existing data from the pem_090 table to the new staff tables as part of the table creation procedure. 

EFIN-77081TX Scheduled Days and Hours Load for TEAM

The Actual Hours Upload process is changed so that if all the records for an employee have zero hours reported, it will no longer zero out the Hours Scheduled but will only update the Days Worked for the employee.

Salesforce: 04652986

For versions: 19.4, 20.11 only. 

EFIN-85784TX TEAM - Creation of on-the-fly ED40 records for rehired employees

The application is modified to create on-the-fly ED40 records for previously terminated employees with hours in the hours upload file.

Salesforce: 06424887

For versions: 20.11 only. 

EFIN-87349TX TEAM - Excess ED40 creation

The load process to recognize on-the-fly ED40 records is corrected for an additional month when the employees' reported pay did not originate from a pay rate. This should reduce the extra ED40 records created for months where the employees were paid but did not work.

Salesforce: 06479257

EFIN-87350TX TEAM - Correct statutory minimum calculation for docking

TEAM will now use the job class field on the detailed distribution table to identify whether docking should be subject to the statutory minimum. If this fails, an error message will indicate that the record may need a manual review.

Salesforce: 06320312

For versions: 19.4, 20.11 only. 

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