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MetLife Retirement Report Setup

Before generating the MetLife Retirement Report, ensure that valid information is entered in the following fields on the South Carolina State Retirement page:

  • MetLife P Date

  • MetLife Eli Cd

  • High Comp Emp

  • Officer Determ

  • Comp Status Cd

When you create the electronic file for the MetLife Retirement Report, the information is populated for the participants enrolled in the PEBA State Optional Retirement Program (ORP) program using AIG (MetLife) as their designated carrier.

South Carolina State Retirement Page - Employee Information

  1. On the application start page, select Menu > Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee Information (under Employee). 

  2. Specify the search criteria and click Find
    Leave all Search Criteria fields blank, and select Include Terminated Employees and Exclude Pending Employees. Click Find.
    A list of regular employees matching the search criteria appears.

  3. Double-click the relevant employee record. 

  4. On the navigation bar, click Personnel Information, and select Defined Windows.

  5. Double-click 32001 - South Carolina State Retirement.

  6. The following table describes the required fields on the South Carolina State Retirement - <First Name Last Name (Employee number)> page.

    FieldDescriptionRequired / OptionalSource Data / Override
    MetLife P DateDate the employee opted to enroll in the ORP program with AIG (MetLife) as the designated carrier.RequiredSource data
    MetLife Eli CdValid MetLife eligibility code values:
    Y - Yes
    N - No
    RequiredSource data
    High Comp EmpValid highly compensated employee values:
    Y - Yes
    N - No
    OptionalSource data
    Officer DetermValid officer determination values:
    Y - Yes
    N - No
    OptionalSource data
    Comp Status CdValid compliance status code values:
    D - Deceased
    E - Excluded due to a non-participating employer of a Controlled Group or Affiliated Service Group
    I - Disabled 
    L - Leased employee
    M - Military leave
    N - Non-resident alien with no US income
    R - Retired
    S - Age / service requirement not met for initial eligibility purposes
    T - Terminated in a prior year with current compensation due to severance pay
    U - Union / collectively bargained employees
    X - Member of an excludable class of employees as defined in a plan document
    0 (zero) - Denotes that an employee has been moved out of a status code
    OptionalSource data
  7. Enter valid information in the required fields, and on the navigation barclick OK.

The next step is to create the MetLife Retirement Report.

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