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March 26, 2021 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-48496SC - PCS Staff Report Changes - Assignment Screen Changes

For the South Carolina PCS Staff Report, we have provided the ability to view/add/edit/delete the following employee assignment related parameters(in addition to the already present parameters):

    • Certificate Number - Optional - Can use the Certifications as a lookup (or drop-down) and perform the mapping. The certificate is now a drop-down that looks at the Employee’s Certification/Licenses page for the certificate number. If a value is not there, then the drop-down will be empty. On addition, if the assignment page is before the certifications page in the wizard, this drop-down will be empty. But if the certification page is before the assignment and a certificate is filled in, this drop-down will have a value.)
    • Position Start Date - Mandatory field - Position End Date - Optional field
    • Notes - Optional - Used for maintaining some notes for the employee assignment - 50-character limit

    This has been provided in the pending/new employee assignment setup as well.

    EFIN-48497SC - PCS Staff Report Changes - 32000 Screen Changes

    For the South Carolina PCS Staff Report, we have provided additional information fields to be completed by the customer on the State Required User screen 32000:

    • Effective Date (tcode5)
    • Optional field
    • Help text - Enter tech prof effective date for PCS
    • Expire Date (tcode6)
    • Optional field
    • Help text - Enter tech prof expire date for PCS
    • Inter Number (ftext5)
    • Help text - Enter international number for PCS
    • Optional Field
    • Can allow alphanumeric text, Max limit is 20 characters
    • State Schedule (tcode7)
    • Optional field
    • Help text - Enter the salary schedule for the statutory minimum
    • Max length can be three code alphanumeric field which is the same as the Salary Schedule name in HRM > Reference Tables > Salary Schedules
    • ** State Range (tcode8)
    • Optional field
    • Help text - Enter employee’s state range
    • Max Length of the field can be a two-digit value
    • State Step (tcode9)
      • Optional field
      • Help text - Enter employee’s state step
      • Max Length of the field can be a two-digit value
    EFIN-48498SC | PCS Staff Report Changes | Assignment Codes Ref table Changes

    For the South Carolina PCS Staff Report, we need to indicate which assignments are Certified. To accomplish this, we have added a flag on the Assignment Code screen to indicate whether a particular code qualifies as Certified. If the flag is not checked or null, that equates to Not Certified.
    This will be used to identify information for the Teacher Supplement.

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