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August 2024 Release - 20.11.73, 22.4.35, 23.10.10

Resolved Issue

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:




The following issue has been resolved:



Release Note


MTP report is now Available

MTP Report is now available under Fund Accounting Module → State Menu.

The MTP Report populates the MTP Excel spreadsheet's School tab against the MTP Accounts list.

MTP Report needs the following setup.

  • Reporting Structure - mandatory

    • This setup defines the mapping between the MTP State Level Titles (1-Account, 2-Fund, 3-Activity, 4-Job Class, 5-Fund Number) to the Local eFP Organization Levels and their starting and ending positions within the level.

  • Level Crosswalk - optional

    • This setup defines the mapping between the local code and state for any MTP State Level Titles (1-Account, 2-Fund, 3-Activity, 4-Job Class, 5-Fund Number).

    • This is an optional setup, only needed when the local and state codes vary or local codes roll up to a state code.

  • MTP Crosswalk - mandatory

    • The MTP Crosswalk defines the mapping between the above setup MTP State Level Titles (1-Account, 2-Fund, 3-Activity, 4-Job Class, 5-Fund Number) to the final MTP Levels (MTP Control, MTP Department, MTP Group, MTP Class, MTP Account)

    • The Upload feature could be used to upload the Excel file to populate the MTP Crosswalk for a year.

      • A sample sheet based on the RI MTP website is provided in the info box. It contains the exact mapping for FY23.

      • The sample sheet can be reviewed, edited (if needed), and could be uploaded to populate the MTP crosswalk data.

  • Setup → Copy

    • All the above setups can be copied from one year to the other year.

  • Write to the RI MTP Excel sheet

    • After the above setup is complete, the admin can use the RI MTP default screen to upload the Excel. The system populates the Excel with the relevant MTP-related information into the School tab of the RI MTP Report against the appropriate cells.

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